Abundance Discovery faith Finding God Glass Beach Headlands Hiking Insight inspirational Life Path love Mendocino Motivational Nature Nature Photography northern California Self-Acceptance Self-help Self-Improvement Solitude sondra sula Spirituality Surprise Unexpected Walking Wonder

A Capacity for Wonder

wp147 ice plant, loveI love to walk. The unexpected is around every corner. A pink rubbery heart placed on the trestle bridge scripted with the word “love” made me smile. As did the blindingly yellow spikes of an ice plant—one leaf was even striped!

wp147 beach lightRounding a bluff, I looked down to see shimmering water scallop its way up the beach—the flattened waves edged in light.

wp147 3 glass beach stonesI made my way down to the sand and was met by strange sights: a shapely cartilaginous blob, ocean-smoothed glass and a flat ribbon of seaweed seemingly growing out of a rock.

wp147 feather on rockA feather floated like an airborne tree in a nearby tide pool. Far above, a real tree captured my attention with its tangled trunk—an inch worm measuring itself.

wp147 2 tree, rayI followed the squawks of several ravens to a deceased stingray. Its emerging spines resembled stacks of shark teeth or celestial stars set into a fleshy pink sky. Nearly every stage of life and death was within eye’s reach.

wp147 me shadowI climbed back up the bluff and saw a shadow of my current self against time’s erosion. I am only here for a brief time. I want to pack as much wonder into myself as my body will allow. And when that’s full, I will sardine my spirit until it’s time to swim away.

All photos © Sondra Sula.


Art community Discovery faith fear Hiking Hope inspirational Life Path Mendocino Motivational Nature Photography northern California Self-help Self-Improvement Solitude sondra sula Spirituality Surprise The Unknown Unexpected Walking Wonder

The Big Catch

wp132 tomato sliceEver since we moved to Fort Bragg, I’ve wanted to walk down to Hare Creek Beach. I drive past it nearly every day, and can see a tiny trail along the creek as I cross the bridge over it on Highway One. There is also a permanent circular bench that looks quaint from a distance.

Today I finally made the short trek. I parked in a lot where it appeared that someone was living in their car. Socks and shoes were thrown about the pavement and a towel hung across the vehicle’s window for privacy. There was even a tomato slice dried on the asphalt. Not the most auspicious start.

wp132 blue pallettI had to cross a field that was strewn with garbage. Nearing the creek, I saw a bottle of ketchup and a jar of relish sitting atop a concrete post. As I approached the circular bench, plastic bags littered the seat, filled with who-knows-what. Is someone going jump out of the bushes and attack me? Yet I continued on.

The trail became narrower and more closed in from every direction, including overhead, so it became quite dark. Should I turn back?

wp132 4 fish orange bluewp132 4 fish pink, blueThat’s when I saw a chain link fence covered with colorfully painted fish. It appeared to be a community project done by a school group or some such entity. My trepidation swam away as I noted the fun, imaginative patterns on the wooden forms.

wp132 flower clumpBefore I knew it, I was out on the open beach with families laughing, children playing and dogs prancing about. Clumps of wildflowers grew in the sand and a shamrock seemed to wink at me from the center of a fallen log. I’m glad I didn’t turn back. After all, it’s always darkest before the dawn.

wp132 clover logAll photos © Sondra Sula.

Abundance Discovery Finding God flowers inspirational Life Path Mendocino Mendocino Coast Botanical Gardens Motivational Nature Photography northern California Self-help Self-Improvement sondra sula Spirituality Surprise Unexpected Walking Wonder

Vibrant Life Abounds

wp130 3 hen, hydrangeasAs my husband and I enter the botanical gardens we are greeted by the lush purple-blues and hot pinks of hydrangea bushes. And what’s that between them…a rooster? Yes, the neighbor’s chickens are on the loose, once again, shredding and devouring nearby kale leaves.

wp130 3 red lantern, tinyThere’s always a surprise here, whether it’s an unexpected carpet of flowers at my feet, or a dangling red lantern flower hanging from a tree above my head.

wp130 anthersAnthers dance on a projectile of odd burgundy flowers, their yellow felt slippers curving and leaping down the stem.

wp130 3 beesBees aren’t choosy about how large or small the bloom is as long as they can pack their pouches with pollen.

wp130 2 dahlia, flyDahlias curl into hypnotic spirals. A fly stops to rest on a petal. I flop onto the emerald grass—I’m dizzy with cacophonous colors and shifting shapes.

wp130 double callaI eventually rise and discover a double calla lily—it normally has a single creamy petal. I call my husband over to take a peek. We clasp hands. One has become two and two are one. Vibrant life abounds.

All photos © Sondra Sula.

Finding God Imagination inspirational Mendocino Motivational Nature Photography northern California Self-help Self-Improvement sondra sula Spirituality Unexpected Wild Animals


wp128 zebra couchAt first the zebra seemed unreal—like a tongue-in-chic faux fur chair. Its stripes shouted: op art!

wp128 double zebra head copyWhen another wandered up to join it I snapped a photo. The two heads seemed to merge into one, continuing the otherworldly feeling.

wp128 zeb horizOne of the creatures turned, and its ear suddenly looked like a horn—a zebra unicorn!

wp128 3 pics of 6 zebrasRiding in an antique jeep along a rutted road fed into the feeling that I was on safari.

wp128 antelopes in fieldAs I looked out at a herd of antelope, I even saw isolated trees, tall dry grass and dusty patches of dirt reminiscent of the African veldt.

wp128 3 zeb, antelope, zebBut the continuous biting wind and dream-like fog presenting itself in the dead of summer reminded me I was on the Mendocino coast at the B Bryan Preserve in Point Arena. And I wasn’t exactly on safari—I was merely viewing these hoofed African mammals, some of which are endangered, from a safe distance. The goal of the preserve is to breed, study and conserve these precious animals. Although I yearned to interact with them, it simply wasn’t prudent, nor allowed.

wp128 giraffe headUntil we reached a group of Rothschild’s giraffes and I was given a handful of sweet potato slices to feed them. As I put a slice in my mouth and was “kissed” by my first giraffe, I felt a spiritual connection. Imagination had merged with reality and the result was an ecstatic thrill. How can harnessing our imaginations enhance our spiritual lives?

All photos © Sondra Sula.

Death faith Finding God flowers Hope inspirational Mendocino Motivational Nature Photography northern California Perspective sondra sula Spirituality Transition Unexpected wisdom Wonder


wp119 bee w poker 201705501The thrill of capturing the bee in flight made my own heart flutter. I was drawn to the firecracker frenzy of the red hot poker, her cha-cha skirt’s fringe flailing. But the bee was a bonus—I didn’t even see him coming. We were both intoxicated by the bright, beckoning colors.

wp119 snail, pink fleurThe pleasure of life met my eyes everywhere I looked: A snail slime-ing along a calla lily leaf. Pouty-lipped twin flowers bobbing in the breeze. There was even a bloom that looked like an umbrella blown inside out.

wp119 hibiscus like 20170501And then my reverie ended. A dead skink lay in the grass, his life cut short by a lawnmower. He was simply going about his daily business when it happened, out of the blue. My brother-in-law died this week, too, without warning. He was just getting ready for his day, as usual, when he had a heart attack. He was gone before the paramedics arrived. He wasn’t old.

wp119 dead skinkWhat does one do when confronted with such sudden death? Live. It’s our best option.

wp119 yellow flower 2016-05-24All photos © Sondra Sula.

Abundance diversity Finding God flowers Headlands inspirational Mendocino Mendocino Coast Botanical Gardens Motivational Nature Nature Photography northern California Self-Improvement sondra sula Spirituality Unexpected Walking Wonder

Garden of Unearthly Delights

wp117 3 flowers brown, red, brnBotanical gardens are Eden-like. They astound, perplex and fascinate. Their lushness draws us in, their unbelievably odd plants keep us engaged and their labyrinthine paths keep us wandering until exhaustion sets in.

wp117 flowery shoreThe Mendocino Coast Botanical Gardens deliver all of the above, plus butt up against the ocean for spectacular views. Clumps of colorful flowers cling to the cliffs inspiring alliteration.

wp117 3 yellow, pink, rustAlien forms protrude, curl, billow and thrust.

wp117 3 pink-green groundThe ground is littered with floral confetti, and strange lanterns hang with bulbous tongues sticking out.

wp117 3 flowers yellow, green, whiteSilky, delicate petals encircle a veined sunburst, while a whirling dervish of succulent lime-green leaves bursts forth in an explosion of buds. White cactus flowers open their fringe, dwarfing their prickly bodies.

wp117 3 cactus stoneJust when I think I’ve seen the most bizarre plant, I come to a muted rainbow of pebbles—no, they are fat, stone-like leaves. And next to them, on a tall cactus stalk, hairy pink throats cough out tiny yellow blossoms. Red buds open to reveal quadruple layers of pointy petals. The interior holds a dancer with many arms amid stars of pollen. Have I rediscovered Eden?

All photos © Sondra Sula.

Abundance Discovery Finding God flowers Hiking inspirational Mendocino Motivational Mystery Nature Nature Photography northern California Solitude sondra sula Spirituality Surprise Unexpected Walking Wonder

The Miniature Secret Garden

wp115 monkey flowerWhile walking in a field of grass I noticed an interesting little flower. I crouched down to take a closer look. I had never seen anything like it: half frilly clover, half monkey-faced snapdragon.

wp115 3 orange, white, purple fleursAt once I was nosing the ground and spied a red-throated coral flower lifting its face above a series of tiny, spiky yellow blooms. Minuscule white stars on narrow, jointed stems balanced over clover leaves. Pointy lavender balls poked above dandelion tails.

wp115 yellow daisylikeAs I crawled along, more and more flowers I had never seen revealed themselves. I felt as though I had entered a miniature world where a secret garden was blooming amid commonplace grass. I discovered flowers within flowers—the centers of taxicab-yellow daisies were bursting with additional blooms.

wp115 lupine, white turtleI recognized a lupine, but not its curved, freckled cap. How can it be so blue? It leaned towards a magenta “weed” I’d seen before. But at eyelash-touching range, this “weed” appeared as a slender flowering tree, clusters of fringed petals nodding with the slightest breeze. And right next door, puffy white blooms swirled, washed in lavender and held by fuzzy, wine-hued gloves.

wp115 2 purple, yellow fleursAs I passed dainty pink pansy-like faces and petal-less flowers resembling eyeballs on stalks, I realized I regularly trample these wonders because this miniature world is underfoot.

The next time you’re walking through wild or untreated grass, look down—a mysterious garden may be growing at the tips of your toes.

All photos © Sondra Sula.

Change flowers Motivational Nature Perspective Self-Improvement Spirituality Unexpected Walking Wonder

The Point

wp82-yellow-purple-string-yellow-jacketI felt slightly agitated when I began my walk. The day had gotten away from me and it was almost dinner time, but I felt if I didn’t squeeze in the time now, I would lie in bed that night, full of regret.

I’m not sure why I put off things I enjoy doing. My “walks of wonder” are at the top of my list, along with other spiritual practices, and yet I usually feel guilty spending my time this way. However, at day’s end, I almost always feel that these events were the most important.

My irritation began to dissipate immediately upon seeing a spike of irresistibly cheerful yellow flowers. When I turned the corner and spied a garland of small purple lanterns, I forgot all about feeling unhappy and simply wanted to set up a garden tea party under their floral luminescence. But whom would I invite?

wp82-m-poppy-w-bee-crop-2016-08-26A yellow jacket caught my eye and seemed to say: hey, what about me? I’ll go. And a honey bee on a matilija poppy offered to stop collecting pollen for a while to imbibe some sweet tea.

wp82-fuchsia-2016-08-26A cluster of fuchsia joined in the fun as chandeliers, their intense color adding to the radiant glow, while a silvery green carpet of tightly packed miniature gazania leaves provided a soft, spongy place to rest.

wp82-grass-tight-2016-08-26The final attendees were the most bristly of all—spiny cactus, a thorny-stemmed plant and barbed pine cones. They reminded me that only minutes before I was grumpy, prickly to the touch. It may not have been the dinner I was planning, but the lesson sure was sweet.

wp82-cactus-castor-conesAll photos © Sondra Sula.

Nature Self-help Spirituality Surprise Unexpected

Expect the Unexpected

“Magnolia with Unexpected Bee” by Sondra Sula

Although I’ve been walking as a spiritual practice for 23 years, taking photographs during my walks is a relatively new addition – less than a year, in fact.

In the past, I witnessed so many amazing transitory events from garter snake “mating balls” to hundreds of mice rushing single file through a series of tiny tunnels in the grass. I saw insects and plants I had never noticed before, but could not identify upon returning home because I’d forgotten a distinguishing characteristic. I thought perhaps a camera could help in this regard – and it has.

I love getting up close and personal with nature, so most of my pictures are of flora because plants tend to stay still (unless the day is especially windy). But what I began to find when I came home and looked through the photos were insects within the frame. I was oblivious to these bugs while I was shooting the photographs.

I soon began to expect to see a creature on every flower and was rarely disappointed. I found that most bugs were so involved in their business that they cared very little if a camera was two inches from their eyes. I encountered tiny surprises everywhere I looked.

“Caterpillar and Bee Surprises” by Sondra Sula

Creation is extraordinary. The common housefly joins a metallic rainbow body to stained glass wings. Even the most diminutive flower being trampled underfoot can reveal a complex array of unexpected colors and patterns when examined closely.

I encourage you to open your eyes in a new way. Expect the unexpected. Wonder awaits.

“Fake Snake Stalks Real Ant” by Sondra Sula