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The Big Catch

wp132 tomato sliceEver since we moved to Fort Bragg, I’ve wanted to walk down to Hare Creek Beach. I drive past it nearly every day, and can see a tiny trail along the creek as I cross the bridge over it on Highway One. There is also a permanent circular bench that looks quaint from a distance.

Today I finally made the short trek. I parked in a lot where it appeared that someone was living in their car. Socks and shoes were thrown about the pavement and a towel hung across the vehicle’s window for privacy. There was even a tomato slice dried on the asphalt. Not the most auspicious start.

wp132 blue pallettI had to cross a field that was strewn with garbage. Nearing the creek, I saw a bottle of ketchup and a jar of relish sitting atop a concrete post. As I approached the circular bench, plastic bags littered the seat, filled with who-knows-what. Is someone going jump out of the bushes and attack me? Yet I continued on.

The trail became narrower and more closed in from every direction, including overhead, so it became quite dark. Should I turn back?

wp132 4 fish orange bluewp132 4 fish pink, blueThat’s when I saw a chain link fence covered with colorfully painted fish. It appeared to be a community project done by a school group or some such entity. My trepidation swam away as I noted the fun, imaginative patterns on the wooden forms.

wp132 flower clumpBefore I knew it, I was out on the open beach with families laughing, children playing and dogs prancing about. Clumps of wildflowers grew in the sand and a shamrock seemed to wink at me from the center of a fallen log. I’m glad I didn’t turn back. After all, it’s always darkest before the dawn.

wp132 clover logAll photos © Sondra Sula.

2 replies on “The Big Catch”

How did the families get to the beach
Was there another path

If so
the truth is you both got to the beach

Your path held beauty along side fear
Spurred on by faith and hope

The destination was the same


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