Brokenness Change community contemplation coronavirus coping COVID-19 Depression devotion devotional Finding God Hope Insight inspirational love meditation Meditations on Mendocino by Sondra Sula Mendocino Motivational Nature Nature Photography northern California Pacific ocean Point of View Prayer Problems reflection Reflections on the Fox River and Beyond by Sondra Sula Self-Acceptance Self-help Self-Improvement Solitude sondra sula Spirituality Support the new normal wisdom

Rock Solid

wp269 01 rock foreground w ocean 20200214We may not be able to gather in groups, but our communities seem to be rock solid.

wp269 02 5 rocks group 20200214Some of us may have large families.

wp269 03 3 rocks group 20200214Others are smaller.

wp269 04 2 rocks pocked 20200214I’m part of a couple.

wp269 05 2 rocks striped 20200214Fortunately, Rob and I like being together.

wp269 06 1 rock conglomerate 20200214But lots of people live alone. Many of my friends who do, truly enjoy a solitary existence.

wp269 07 1 rock w hole 20200214jpgFor others it is extremely difficult and they may feel a hole of emptiness that was once filled by social gatherings, church services, volunteer opportunities…the list goes on.

wp269 08 flat opal rock 20200214For those who feel grounded, it may be time to reach out to someone who doesn’t.

wp269 09 blue pottery w rocks 20200214So they don’t feel so different;

wp269 10 chiton from above 20200214like a chiton out of water.

wp269 11 yellow rock w stripe 20200214So they realize they’re part of your tribe—that they’re not alone.

wp269 12 heart rock BBB 20200214And that you love them.

Photos © Sondra Sula.

Take a walk with me by reading my most recent daily devotional book, Meditations on Mendocino by Sondra Sula. Available on Amazon in paperback or Kindle versions.

If you’d prefer a daily river walk, Reflections on the Fox River and Beyond by Sondra Sula, might just be the book for you.

contemplation devotion devotional Discovery diversity faith Finding God Imagination inner life Insight inspirational meditation Meditations on Mendocino by Sondra Sula Mendocino Motivational Nature Nature Photography northern California Pacific ocean Perspective Point of View Prayer reflection Reflections on the Fox River and Beyond by Sondra Sula Self-Acceptance Self-help Self-Improvement Solitude sondra sula Spirituality Walking wisdom Wonder

Beach Lessons 2

wp262 01 BBB cheetah rock 20200214Life lessons lurk in every nook and cranny if one looks for them. Even on open stretches of beach there is much to be learned. When dry, this gray stone surely looks plain and smooth, but residual wetness has brought out its unusual pattern. If I partake in divine nourishment, will my true pattern emerge?

wp262 02 BBB rock w antennae 20200214This rock appears to have living antennae. When I “tune in” with holy antennae, what do I sense?

wp262 03 BBB rocks w chiton 20200214A chiton has washed up on the sand. I marvel at its burgundy “velvet” exterior and bony dorsal shells. This marine mollusk is also known as a sea cradle. How do I allow myself to feel cradled by God?

wp262 04 BBB large green rocks 20200214These boulders provide a foundation for other forms of life. How do I facilitate the growth of others without eroding part of myself?

wp262 05 BBB 3 rocks w comma 20200214These stones have a comma between them. Do I pause long enough between one thought and the next? Between a question and an answer?

wp262 06 BBB seaweed crab comp 20200214So much variety exists within one square patch of beach. The diversity of color, texture, size and shape makes the composition exciting. Do I appreciate the diversity in humanity? Every exquisite difference?

wp262 07 BBB rocks w kelp cross 20200214Abstract minimalism creates a pleasing simplicity. What parts of my life can I simplify to enhance my experience of living? What types of “mind clutter” do I allow into my thought processes?

wp262 08 BBB metal stick 20200214This piece of metal is half buried yet is also being supported by the sand to remain upright. Sometimes there is a fine line between feeling supported and feeling suffocated. How do I find the best intentions within each person with whom I come into contact?

wp262 09 BBB rock s pocks 20200214A rock full of holes has been pocked by constant abrasion. It tells a more complex story than a smooth stone. How do difficult times shape my character? Am I aware of the complexity of my story?

wp262 10 BBB rocks w pine cone 20200214A pine cone reaches for a band of stones. Will they accept it? How often do I shy away from those who are reaching out to me?

wp262 11 BBB rock w purple 20200214A process of merging appears to be taking place. How does my merging with Spirit manifest itself outwardly?

wp262 12 BBB kissing rocks 20200214The Holy Kiss: where my inner and outer lives touch. How can I maintain this holy connection?

Photos © Sondra Sula.

If you like these blogs, you’ll most likely enjoy my latest daily devotional book, Meditations on Mendocino by Sondra Sula. Available on Amazon in paperback or Kindle versions.

If you haven’t read Reflections on the Fox River and Beyond by Sondra Sula, another daily devotional, you may like that, as well.

Asymmetry Brokenness faith Finding God Flaws flowers Hope Insight inspirational Mendocino Coast Botanical Gardens Motivational Nature Nature Photography northern California Problems Self-Acceptance Self-help Self-Improvement sondra sula Spirituality Wabi-sabi Walking wisdom Wonder

The Wabi-Sabi of Closeness

wp165 fly rhodoWhen I get close to someone or something, I can see both the beauty and the flaws—they are inextricably intertwined. As I approach a resplendent rhododendron bloom to spy on a fly, I see the flower’s iridescent petals are marred with tiny brown spots.

wp165 lily cups sorrelA lily-of-the-valley shrub that looks unblemished from afar reveals small imperfections on its waxy white bells when seen up close.

wp165 2 toungue curls, pomsCurled pink tongues of grevillea have shooting spathes, but one is broken. Miniscule blooms arising from juicy, succulent leaves have dead gray matter scattered between them.

wp165 2 orange lily, beeThe edges of a coral lily are slightly ragged and display whitish dots of lost color. A busy bee collects pollen from fresh bursts of blooms—but others held upon the same panicle are withered.

wp165 2 camelliasOh, there’s a flawless fuchsia camellia! No…one of its petals has been crushed. The white one is yellowing and puckered along its perimeter.

wp165 pink pinwheelAn oxalis and magnolia fare no better: perfection just out of reach.

wp165 white magnoliaEvery flaw gives the blossom its individuality, otherwise each would look exactly the same. The “Wabi-sabi” in each of us—a kind of aesthetic of imperfection—attracts others just as much as our beauty does. Why not revel in every little bit of who we are? Surely God does.

All photos © Sondra Sula.

Art community Discovery faith fear Hiking Hope inspirational Life Path Mendocino Motivational Nature Photography northern California Self-help Self-Improvement Solitude sondra sula Spirituality Surprise The Unknown Unexpected Walking Wonder

The Big Catch

wp132 tomato sliceEver since we moved to Fort Bragg, I’ve wanted to walk down to Hare Creek Beach. I drive past it nearly every day, and can see a tiny trail along the creek as I cross the bridge over it on Highway One. There is also a permanent circular bench that looks quaint from a distance.

Today I finally made the short trek. I parked in a lot where it appeared that someone was living in their car. Socks and shoes were thrown about the pavement and a towel hung across the vehicle’s window for privacy. There was even a tomato slice dried on the asphalt. Not the most auspicious start.

wp132 blue pallettI had to cross a field that was strewn with garbage. Nearing the creek, I saw a bottle of ketchup and a jar of relish sitting atop a concrete post. As I approached the circular bench, plastic bags littered the seat, filled with who-knows-what. Is someone going jump out of the bushes and attack me? Yet I continued on.

The trail became narrower and more closed in from every direction, including overhead, so it became quite dark. Should I turn back?

wp132 4 fish orange bluewp132 4 fish pink, blueThat’s when I saw a chain link fence covered with colorfully painted fish. It appeared to be a community project done by a school group or some such entity. My trepidation swam away as I noted the fun, imaginative patterns on the wooden forms.

wp132 flower clumpBefore I knew it, I was out on the open beach with families laughing, children playing and dogs prancing about. Clumps of wildflowers grew in the sand and a shamrock seemed to wink at me from the center of a fallen log. I’m glad I didn’t turn back. After all, it’s always darkest before the dawn.

wp132 clover logAll photos © Sondra Sula.

Brokenness faith flowers Hiking inspirational Mendocino Motivational Nature Photography northern California Perspective Point of View Prayer Self-Improvement Spirituality Walking


wp109 2 broom, flowerI was walking on an old logging road, taking a photo of raindrops balancing on a scotch broom bloom, when I heard the sound of a dirt bike. My neighbor had told me that the ATV and dirt bike riders he encountered when walking in this area were usually respectful, so I thought nothing of it.

But this person purposefully sped up and a moment later I was covered with mud from the tip of my hair bun to the heels of my new hiking boots. I was splashed with so much water that it soaked through my thick jeans and my underwear! I am not proud that an expletive escaped from my mouth, which was hanging open incredulously.

wp109 2 fern, geraniumOne of the prayers I recite every day is: I choose to understand why people do what they do. And I have to admit, I felt that I did understand why he—and yes, it was a he—did it. It was simply funny to him: She’s turned the other way and I’ll soak her—she’ll never see it coming.

I wanted to stop him on the way back and ask him if there was anyone in his life that he loved and/or respected, and if so, would he splash them? But I realized he’d probably just give me the finger and swerve around me, covering me with more mud. And as I looked around at fern fronds, geraniums and tissue-paper trilliums, I realized I was in good company—we were all soaked.

My prayer for him is that he is loved and respected by someone in his life that he can eventually emulate. And that he will one day have a moment of clarity and understand that what he did was inappropriate. I’m reaching for the stars, I know—but that pinprick of illumination is all I need to see in the dark.

wp109 pink trilliumAll photos © Sondra Sula.

Imagination Nature Prayer Spirituality Wishes

Wishful Thinking

"Wishful Thinking" by Sondra Sula
“Wishful Thinking” by Sondra Sula

Whenever I see a dandelion gone to seed I think: wishes. Wishes sometimes cross over into the realm of fantasy, and I have one that pops into my head with frequency during this time of year: walking around America. I would start in Florida, travel up the east coast to Maine, turn west along the northern route to Washington state, then head south to California. I would be armed with only a notebook, pen, and some essentials.

The concept of this trip is based upon the belief that people are basically good and helpful. I would take no money with me, but instead rely on the generosity of others for shelter, food, and good conversation. In return, I might write them a poem, tell a story, or sing a song. A book would materialize upon completion of The Great Walk and faith in humanity would be restored.

"Entering Fantasy" by Sondra Sula
“Entering Fantasy” by Sondra Sula

Then reality creeps in. Have I ever even walked for more than ten hours in one day? Have I ever slept alone in the woods with nothing but a sleeping bag? What if it rains? What if I get cold? How am I going to wash my long, unruly hair? What happens if I meet a person with ill intentions instead of a gentle, compassionate soul? Is this trip really just my wish for humanity?

"From Petal to Seed" by Sondra Sula
“From Petal to Seed” by Sondra Sula

Some people think that prayer is like tossing up wishes to the wind. But I believe prayer takes many forms and is much more than mere wishful thinking. My pie-in-the-sky trip can be thought of as a form of prayer, a prayer of imagination like those used in Ignation exercises, to touch something beyond our ordinary lives. My observation of the dandelion seeds is also a prayer that encompasses thanksgiving, praise, and awe.

"Pucker Up" by Sondra Sula
“Pucker Up” by Sondra Sula

My prayer for today is for us to remember what generous beings we really are, and if making a wish on a dandelion seed helps us to realize this truth, it’s time to pucker up.