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A Capacity for Wonder

wp147 ice plant, loveI love to walk. The unexpected is around every corner. A pink rubbery heart placed on the trestle bridge scripted with the word “love” made me smile. As did the blindingly yellow spikes of an ice plant—one leaf was even striped!

wp147 beach lightRounding a bluff, I looked down to see shimmering water scallop its way up the beach—the flattened waves edged in light.

wp147 3 glass beach stonesI made my way down to the sand and was met by strange sights: a shapely cartilaginous blob, ocean-smoothed glass and a flat ribbon of seaweed seemingly growing out of a rock.

wp147 feather on rockA feather floated like an airborne tree in a nearby tide pool. Far above, a real tree captured my attention with its tangled trunk—an inch worm measuring itself.

wp147 2 tree, rayI followed the squawks of several ravens to a deceased stingray. Its emerging spines resembled stacks of shark teeth or celestial stars set into a fleshy pink sky. Nearly every stage of life and death was within eye’s reach.

wp147 me shadowI climbed back up the bluff and saw a shadow of my current self against time’s erosion. I am only here for a brief time. I want to pack as much wonder into myself as my body will allow. And when that’s full, I will sardine my spirit until it’s time to swim away.

All photos © Sondra Sula.