Abundance contemplation De-stress devotion devotional Discovery faith Finding God flowers Fort Bragg Imagination inner life Insight inspirational meditation Meditations on Mendocino by Sondra Sula Mendocino Mendocino Coast Botanical Gardens Motivational Nature Nature Photography NorCal northern California Perspective Point of View Potential Prayer reflection Reflections on the Fox River and Beyond by Sondra Sula Self-Acceptance Self-help Self-Improvement Solitude sondra sula Spirituality Support transformation Walking wisdom Wonder

Giving Thanks All Year ‘Round

wp458 01 BG yellow begonia 20231031 800In the United States, we have this very specific time to give thanks. wp458 02 BG bee on pea-like 20231031 800
Thanksgiving, of course, with its bounty and harvest themes. wp458 03 TP shrimp flower 20231104 800
But what about the rest of the year? wp458 04 BG dogwood fruit 20231031 800
Should I simply walk underneath dogwood fruit without a breath of thanks? wp458 05 BG grass cascade 20231031 800
When I see a cascading waterfall of grass, would it be silly to stop and thank its Creator? wp458 06 TP shadow leaves 20231104 800
Every shadow on a leaf, wp458 07 BG red begonia 20231031 800
every curl of a flower, wp458 08 BG purple witch hazel 20231031 800
every color permeating through a bush is worthy of thanksgiving. wp458 09 TP snake aloe 20231104 800Shapes that delight and tickle my fancy — snakes and
wp458 10 BG pink rhodie balls 20231031 800round, hard candies and
wp458 11 BG pink begonia 20231031 800angel wings andwp458 12 BG orange begonia 20231031 800
ruffled petticoats all deserve my gratefulness.wp458 13 BG white cluster begonia 20231031 800
Every day.wp458 14 BG CA poppies 20231031 800
Any time of year.

Photos © Sondra Sula.

Take a walk with me by reading my daily devotional book, Meditations on Mendocino by Sondra Sula. Available on Amazon in paperback or Kindle versions.

If you’d prefer a daily river walk, Reflections on the Fox River and Beyond by Sondra Sula, might just be the book for you.

Balance Christmas contemplation devotion devotional faith Finding God Fort Bragg Hiking Insight inspirational meditation Meditations on Mendocino by Sondra Sula Mendocino Motivational Nature Nature Photography NorCal northern California Pacific ocean Perspective Point of View Prayer reflection Reflections on the Fox River and Beyond by Sondra Sula Self-Acceptance Self-help Self-Improvement Solitude sondra sula Spirituality transformation Walking

Thanks Giving Throughout the Year

wp405 01 clover clump 20220121 1200January: I’m grateful for the promise of a fresh, new beginning.
wp405 02 me in jail 20220201 1200February: That I can still clown around after failing to complete a single New Year’s resolution.
wp405 03 heart bagel 20220329 1200March: I’m thankful my husband makes me a loving breakfast every morning.
wp405 04 ravioli on cherries 20220412 1200April: I’m grateful for the aesthetics and deliciousness of food, plus for pretty plates on which to serve it!wp405 05 Redwood Monastery grounds 20220516 1200
May: I’m immensely grateful for retreat centers like Redwoods Monastery where I can bathe in silence.wp405 06 egg shapes 20220605 1200
June: For friends with chickens.wp405 07 feet on spillway 20220714 1200
July: I’m grateful for the feeling of awe when standing over a dam, and for the water it channels.wp405 08 Rose on hill 20220804 1200
August: For family, near and far.wp405 09 big cairn 20220920 1200
September: For balance.wp405 10 holey stones Shasta 20221004 1200
October: I’m grateful for trips to miraculous places.wp405 11 Remy on Gravel Pit 20221102 1200
November: For our dog, Remy, and due to our climate, year ‘round walking.wp405 12 our Christmas tree 20211221 1200
December: I’m grateful for the kindness people show one another during the holiday season — may it continue throughout the year.

Photos © Sondra Sula; photo of Sondra © Rob Sula.

Take a walk with me by reading my daily devotional book, Meditations on Mendocino by Sondra Sula. Available on Amazon in paperback or Kindle versions.

If you’d prefer a daily river walk, Reflections on the Fox River and Beyond by Sondra Sula, might just be the book for you.

Abundance beaches Brokenness contemplation devotion devotional Discovery faith Finding God Fort Bragg Hope Imagination inner life Insight inspirational meditation Meditations on Mendocino by Sondra Sula Mendocino Motivational Mystery Nature Nature Photography NorCal northern California Pacific ocean Perspective Point of View Prayer Rare Ecosystems reflection Reflections on the Fox River and Beyond by Sondra Sula Self-help Self-Improvement Solitude sondra sula Spirituality Walking Wild Animals Wonder

Gratitude: Giving Thanks

wp353 01 jelly spread 20211117 1200God, thank You for the gift of wonder. wp353 02 jelly intense 20211117 1200
For eyes that behold in color. wp353 03 jelly mushroom 20211117 1200
For imagination: seeing a mushroom made from a jellyfish atop a rock; wp353 04 jelly concave convex 20211117 1200
envisioning a couple where one opens for embrace but the other turns away; wp353 05 jelly w pod 20211117 1200
sensing the fearless eagerness with which a chihuahua puppy approaches a Great Dane for play. wp353 06 3 jellies w surf 20211117 1200
God, thank You for creation— wp353 07 jelly bowl 20211117 1200
its unbelievable delicacy, wp353 08 jelly mound 20211117 1200
mystery wp353 09 jelly yellow 20211117 1200
and form. wp353 10 jellies w surf 20211117 1200
Thank You for the ability to hear the ocean’s rhythmic surf wp353 11 jelly w rock 20211117 1200
and to marvel at every creature, wp353 12 jelly ammonite 20211117 1200
large or small. wp353 13 jelly w kelp 20211117 1200
Thank You for simplicity, wp353 14 jellies in river 20211117 1200
complexity wp353 15 jelly owl 20211117 1200
and the revelation of Light. Amen.

Photos © Sondra Sula.

Take a walk with me by reading my most recent daily devotional book, Meditations on Mendocino by Sondra Sula. Available on Amazon in paperback or Kindle versions.

If you’d prefer a daily river walk, Reflections on the Fox River and Beyond by Sondra Sula, might just be the book for you.

contemplation devotion devotional faith Finding God Fort Bragg Imagination inner life Insight inspirational meditation Meditations on Mendocino by Sondra Sula Motivational Nature Nature Photography NorCal northern California Pacific ocean Perspective Point of View reflection Reflections on the Fox River and Beyond by Sondra Sula Self-help Self-Improvement Solitude sondra sula Spirituality Walking Wonder

Giving Thanks

wp301 01 kelp roots heart rock 20201005 1200Thank You for holding tightly to my heart; for never letting go.wp301 02 open mussel 20201005 1200
Thank You for being my perfect other half. wp301 03 sea stack rock1 20201005 1200
For being my stalwart rock through every storm. wp301 04 right angle driftwood 20201005 1200
For showing me how to bend.wp301 05 kelp bulb w white 20201005 1200
For eyes that see art at every turn. wp301 06 red dots, barnacles 20201005 1200
Thank You for patterns of naturally occurring polka dotswp301 07 sand dollar w hole 20201005 1200
and sea currency: sand dollars.wp301 08 kelp vase1 20201005 1200
For kelp vases that hold nothing but salt water and grains of sand.wp301 09 crab shell1 20201005 1200
For the intricate designs in nature that human eyes may never see. And if I am fortunate enough to behold one: oh joy!wp301 10 single mussel w sand 20201005 1200
I am grateful for every shell that ever was or will be.wp301 11 plant w white string roots 20201005 1200
Thank You for the delicate threads that tether me to this world.wp301 12 fog at 10 mile w mounds 20201005 1200
And thank You for the occasional view through the veil. It is there that I see most clearly.

Photos © Sondra Sula.

Take a walk with me by reading my most recent daily devotional book, Meditations on Mendocino by Sondra Sula. Available on Amazon in paperback or Kindle versions.

If you’d prefer a daily river walk, Reflections on the Fox River and Beyond by Sondra Sula, might just be the book for you.

contemplation devotion devotional faith Finding God Imagination inner life Insight inspirational meditation Meditations on Mendocino by Sondra Sula Mendocino Motivational Mystery Nature Nature Photography northern California Prayer reflection Self-Acceptance Self-help Self-Improvement Solitude sondra sula Spirituality Walking wisdom

Beachcombing for Meaning

wp230 dew in nasturtium 20190615_135423Before I wind my way down a staircase of driftwood, a sparkling drop of dew catches my eye. Its tension creates an egg shape as it rests within a nasturtium-leaf nest. I am thankful for circular connection: dew, fog, cloud, rain, ocean.

wp230 red leaf, green sw 20190615_143713I climb down the stairs to the beach and see another leaf. This one is as red as the nasturtium was green. Its stem has made a trail in the sand, moved by wind. Its path parallels a ribbon of flora from the sea. Can that which comes from the land and that which comes from the sea—so different—become traveling companions?

wp230 pink bouquet sw 20190615_144611A bouquet of pink lace and olive twine presents itself arranged as beautifully as the most meticulous still life. God, when my life seems to be a tangled mess, remind me to take a step back to recognize the exquisite design.

wp230 spine seaweed 20190615_144354Flat white seaweed conjures the image of a spine. God, give me the courage, the backbone, to do what’s right. Deep inside, I always know.

wp230 2 seaweed bulb flowersKelp and seaweed join forces to create blossoming beach gardens. A bit abstract, but that’s where imagination comes in. I am grateful for creative minds that see beyond what eyes perceive.

wp230 puppy seaweed 20190615_143845A dachshund seaweed? Floppy ears, a long “body” and paddle-like paws scurry along the sand. Thank you, God, for just plain fun.

wp230 rust leaf 20190615_143550A rust and ochre leaf is laid out just above the surf line, accented with bits of ocean debris. The feeling is playful, like a Klee or Miro painting. God, help me to periodically recapture the carefree playfulness of a child, which can open the floodgates of creativity.

wp230 purple splayed sw 20190615_142950A few strides over, a pile of purple seaweed has been tossed onto the shore. The mass is inches from being reclaimed by the sea. Translucent “arms” reach out in every direction—does it yearn to be reunited with the source from whence it came? Do I?

wp230 gravestone tree leaf 20190615_143744I’ve reached the edge of the small swath of beach and turn around to see a broken leaf that resembles a headstone. Sand caught in its veins creates a tree shape. Symbols of life and death, endings and beginnings. Thank you, God, for every ending that is a new beginning. Amen.

All photos © Sondra Sula.

If you like these blogs, you’ll most likely enjoy my daily devotional book, Meditations on Mendocino by Sondra Sula. Available on Amazon in paperback or Kindle versions.

Abundance Art assemblage art contemplation Discovery faith Finding God flowers Fort Bragg Headlands Hiking inspirational Little Souls by Sondra Sula meditation Mendocino Mendocino Coast Botanical Gardens mixed media art Motivational Nature Nature Photography northern California Prayer reflection Self-Acceptance Self-help Self-Improvement Solitude sondra sula Spirituality Walking wisdom Wonder


wp196 end signI am thankful for: Living on the edge of the western United States. The very end.

wp196 feather half n halfFeathers in the sand.

wp196 pink dahlia w dewDew-kissed dahlias.

wp196 LS There was a TreeMaking art on a regular basis like this Little Soul entitled There Was a Tree.

wp196 coy lurkingCoy koi.

wp196 gazanias w snail2Potted gazanias on our back porch.

wp196 rob shadow on trunkA husband who likes to hike.

wp196 remy asleepOur dog Remy, especially when he’s sweetly sleeping.

wp196 fire hydrantFire hydrants.

wp196 helicopter seed begoniaHelicopter seed begonias.

wp196 succulent geckoSucculent geckos.

wp196 headland flowersAnd headland flowers that grow by the edge of the sea.

What are you thankful for?

All photos and artwork © Sondra Sula.

community Finding God inspirational Mendocino Motivational Nature Photography northern California Self-help Self-Improvement sondra sula Spirituality Walking Wonder

The Heart of Adventure

wp137 treeThe adventure began as many do: piled into a car with others, wondering what we might see. Candelabra trees came first, their menorah-like limbs reaching out, then up. Shafts of sunlight pierced their fringed canopy.

wp137 butterflyBack at the trailhead butterflies alighted on purple thistle pompoms.

wp137 carMoving on to the beach, we came across a flattened car. Some dared to climb on its rusty metal with bare feet. Others, like myself, merely observed.

wp137 sea cropWe broke into smaller groups and ambled along the surf line, watching waves break.

wp137 2 lemon, lureI stopped to take photos: lemons and lures in the gray sand.

wp137 seaweedA seaweed odalisque reclined on the wet sand, her brown pearl necklace a tasteful ornamentation.

wp137 gull wingI wandered away to experience some solitude and found a beautiful gull’s wing poignantly separated from its owner—its last flight was heaven bound.

wo137 mini crabI noticed a tiny crab shell that looked like a heart—with strings attached. I realized my own heartstrings were being pulled to rejoin the others. Comradery and community—where true adventure often begins.

All photos © Sondra Sula.

Abundance Hiking Life Path Mendocino Motivational Nature Photography northern California Self-Improvement Solitude Spirituality Walking Wonder

Magical Realism

wp100-ice-plant-vista-2017-01-04Sometimes I have to pinch myself to believe what I’m seeing is real and not just a dream or part of my wild imagination. Yet I felt the pain of my fingernails digging into my arm as I looked out on an incredibly colorful vista. Ice plants in hues of crimson, lemon, emerald, ochre and lime covered sand dunes that led to a cyan blue ocean. This place still seems unreal, I thought.

wp100-2-fish-headNext I came to a giant piece of driftwood, its creature-like legs wrapped in kelp. I let out a little laugh. Farther along, a sea monster—mouth gaping and crammed with sharp, pointy teeth—stared at me through eyeless sockets. Even though it was really a fish head, its presence sent shivers up my spine.

wp100-sand-cave-20170104Is that a cave? A shallow opening had formed below a bluff, just big enough to curl up in with a journal and pen—a perfect view of the Pacific.

wp100-2-grass-clumpI caught sight of bright orange in the distance. What in the world was that? Could it be a rock? As I approached, I realized it was a conglomerate of brick and cement—refuse from a building project. Even so, it was a delight to the eye, as was a clump of bright green grass (or was it seaweed?) tossed upon the shore.

wp100-s-curve-w-moose-log-2017-01-16My final stop was on a bridge overlooking a snaky creek cutting through the sand. I’m constantly fascinated that this coastal area is an ending point for many rivers, streams and creeks that have traveled miles upon miles to spill into the sea. I have also traveled many miles to be here: my cup runneth over.

All photos © Sondra Sula.

Abundance Discovery Finding God Hiking Imagination Motivational northern California Self-Improvement Spirituality Walking

Christmas Gifts

wp95-3-mud-sock-driftwoodWinter on the Mendocino coast is unlike any previous winter I’ve experienced. Blankets of snow are replaced by buckets of rain, and slippery ice by slick mud. Temperatures hover above freezing rather than below, so litter is never swept under the rug of pristine white snowflakes until spring.

Halfway into December, my walk reveals the subtle colors of Christmas, along with traditional red and green. I cross a confetti of deciduous leaves encased in putty-toned mud, a single pale pink one is untouched, resting upon the others. A festive red scarf turns out to be a pair of children’s leggings. Emerald moss has already made its home there. Echoing tiny legs, a split piece of driftwood lies nearby, its torso edge charred by fire.

wp95-three-leavesA trinity of leaves strewn over the pygmy-poor sand overlap, like family. One is heart-shaped and facing down so that its back veins protrude, forming a miniature tree.

wp95-3-engine-leaf-brakesI pass what I presume to be car parts. I am mesmerized by the way four compartments hold water and forest detritus in a rusted engine block as if this were their intended function. The inner workings of a wheel appear to be a clock telling of timelessness.

wp95-pale-green-wheelA pale greenish yellow plastic disc hidden in grass emits a yo-yo-like charm. Even though it is most likely the wheel off a cart, it reminds me how children, when unwrapping presents, often play with the boxes. How they can make dolls out of hollyhock flowers, clothespins or corn husks.

wp95-3-cone-beaver-wood-wormwoodI am offered more presents as I round a bend: a halved pine cone, an axe-chewed bough—its tip an orange flame, a wooden crown fashioned by termites.

wp95-red-mushroomsMy final gifts stand under a small redwood whose needled arms hover as if in blessing. They are fairy-tale mushrooms, otherwise known as amanita muscaria, packaged in brilliant red studded with white. Their graceful gills rise upward to receive their blessing. I, too, have received mine.

All photos © Sondra Sula.

Death Fauna Finding God Life Path Motivational Nature northern California Prayer Self-Acceptance Self-help Self-Improvement Spirituality Walking Wonder

Where Life and Death Meet

wp94-pod-grass-seaweed-2016-12-03Driving snaky Route 1 on an errand, I notice, in my peripheral vision, particularly high waves crashing on a tiny beach. I find a place to pull over and wind down a path where Pudding Creek spills out into the sea. A single swan is swimming there among ducks, as if it is perfectly normal for swans to be set against a backdrop of seaweed and frothing waves. As I look down at my feet, dune grass, lettuce-edged pink seaweed and a blackish pod create a lovely abstract piece of art.

wp94-2-ice-plant-flowersI mosey along and see a swath of ice plants, their flowers bursting forth like pastel suns, petals erupting from the centers in exclamation points. An intricately patterned snail is nestled inside a lavender-pink bloom, finding nourishment and respite there. I understand why.

wp94-rock-cliff-2016-12-03I’m inside the beach cove now. Tilting my head up, I see a craggy golden rock. It behooves me to look both up and down, for there is glory both above and below. Arms fling up in praise; knees bend to the sand in prayers of supplication and thankfulness.

wp94-3-twig-feather-star-jellyfishWhile close to the ground, I see a broken twig, its buds like hands clawing the sand. An echinoderm is washed up, its lifeless translucent body and thorny arms gently cup the ocean breeze. From what depths did it travel? A fragile, clear jellyfish filled with bubbles rests nearby. Life and death meet dramatically and beautifully on the northern California coast.

wp94-3-runoff-bird-sea-palmsWater trickles down from the rock cliffs making a fresh, minuscule stream across the sandy beach. It meanders near a deceased bird whose wings are half buried, yet still graceful. From what heights did it travel? Sea palms, pulled up from the turbulent waters, resemble fantastical flowers. I know that I, too, can be torn from this life at any time. This is why I appreciate the depths and heights—and why I pull over to explore creation without a moment’s hesitation.

All photos © Sondra Sula.