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Giving Thanks

wp301 01 kelp roots heart rock 20201005 1200Thank You for holding tightly to my heart; for never letting go.wp301 02 open mussel 20201005 1200
Thank You for being my perfect other half. wp301 03 sea stack rock1 20201005 1200
For being my stalwart rock through every storm. wp301 04 right angle driftwood 20201005 1200
For showing me how to bend.wp301 05 kelp bulb w white 20201005 1200
For eyes that see art at every turn. wp301 06 red dots, barnacles 20201005 1200
Thank You for patterns of naturally occurring polka dotswp301 07 sand dollar w hole 20201005 1200
and sea currency: sand dollars.wp301 08 kelp vase1 20201005 1200
For kelp vases that hold nothing but salt water and grains of sand.wp301 09 crab shell1 20201005 1200
For the intricate designs in nature that human eyes may never see. And if I am fortunate enough to behold one: oh joy!wp301 10 single mussel w sand 20201005 1200
I am grateful for every shell that ever was or will be.wp301 11 plant w white string roots 20201005 1200
Thank You for the delicate threads that tether me to this world.wp301 12 fog at 10 mile w mounds 20201005 1200
And thank You for the occasional view through the veil. It is there that I see most clearly.

Photos © Sondra Sula.

Take a walk with me by reading my most recent daily devotional book, Meditations on Mendocino by Sondra Sula. Available on Amazon in paperback or Kindle versions.

If you’d prefer a daily river walk, Reflections on the Fox River and Beyond by Sondra Sula, might just be the book for you.

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