Abundance contemplation De-stress devotion devotional Discovery Finding God flowers Hiking inspirational meditation Meditations on Mendocino by Sondra Sula Motivational Movement Nature Nature Photography Perspective Point of View reflection Reflections on the Fox River and Beyond by Sondra Sula Self-Acceptance Self-help Self-Improvement sondra sula Spirituality Trees Walking Wonder

The Upside of a Sack Lunch

wp387 01 CPW1 picnic downstream 20220712 1200For one, you can eat your sack lunch anywhere, even along a refreshing snow-melt stream in the Bighorn Mountains of Wyoming. wp387 02 CPW1 trailhead 20220712 1200
Of course, you have to hike up there first. “Up there” is about 8,000 feet, which is no small feat when you are living day to day at 500 feet above sea level. wp387 03 CPW1 beg open field 20220712 1200
I’m not saying I wasn’t up for the challenge, even in my slightly older, slightly pudgy state. It helps to have a husband who carries the actual lunches, water and miscellaneous gewgaws on his back. wp387 04 CPW1 meadow 20220712 1200
As a person who lives for shade, the open meadows were beautiful, but sweltering. When I checked the temperatures before I left, the prediction was 90 degrees every day wherever we were headed. wp387 05 CPW1 unexpected lake 20220712 1200
So I simply braced myself and wore a cooling scarf — a neat doodad with swelling beads that you can dip in a freezing cold stream — which helped keep my body temperature in check. wp387 06 CPW1 picnic upstream 20220712 1200
When we reached an enticingly shady spot, we sat on a rock and ate our sack lunches. I’m quite sure the glorious view enhanced the tuna salad and made it taste that much better. wp387 07 CPW1 log, plywood bridge 20220712 1200
My husband cajoled me onto a rickety bridge with promises of a better view. Naturally I succumbed, and he was correct. wp387 08 CPW1 snowy peaks 20220712 1200
Hiking back to the trailhead I felt God winking at us through snow-capped peaks, wp387 09 CPW1 dramatic clouds 20220712 1200
dramatic clouds, wp387 10 CPW1 purple lupine 20220712 1200
charming flora wp387 11 CPW1 thistle w butterfly 20220712 1200
and enchanting fauna. wp387 12 CPW1 carved trunk 20220712 1200
As with all remote hiking and lunching, we tried not to leave our mark. But a mark was definitely left on us.

Photos © Sondra Sula.

Take a walk with me by reading my daily devotional book, Meditations on Mendocino by Sondra Sula. Available on Amazon in paperback or Kindle versions.

If you’d prefer a daily river walk, Reflections on the Fox River and Beyond by Sondra Sula, might just be the book for you.

Abundance Discovery Finding God flowers Fort Bragg inspirational Mendocino Mendocino Coast Botanical Gardens Motivational Nature Nature Photography northern California Self-help Self-Improvement Solitude sondra sula Spirituality Unexpected Wonder

Before Entering

wp161 giant callasBefore entering certain environments there are certain requirements: remove your shoes, check your bags, turn off your cell phone. The list goes on. At the Mendocino Coast Botanical Gardens a sign could read: Before you enter, look around. Because outside the door are giant calla lilies silhouetted against a curtain of bamboo.

wp161 2 magnoliasPink magnolias balance on bare white-gray branches that overhang cocoa-colored mulch. Floppy ivory blooms sway amid shaggy beards of lichen and moss.

wp161 2 pond viewsThe towering red spike of a Gunnera plant reminds me that creation can be wild and wooly. Baffling, too. The massive leaves would make great parasols if they weren’t covered in spines.

wp161 lily padsLily pads in shades of green, gold, bronze and burgundy float upon the blue pond’s surface. The exotic, bucolic view is available, free, to anyone who wants to explore the edge of the parking lot.

The next time you are about to enter a building, take a mental note of something before you go in. The texture of the door, a stray pebble on the walkway, a plant along the outer wall, the hues reflected by the windows… You may discover a fun little world that was always there, unnoticed.

All photos © Sondra Sula.