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Steadfast Love

wp242 1 vista 20191003_104950My husband, Rob, and I recently visited Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Parks for our wedding anniversary. How does one condense such a diverse experience into a single blog? I guess it’s a lot like trying to fit twenty-three years’ worth of marriage sentiments into a single card.

wp242 2 log houseOr trying to live inside a single log.

wp242 3 bench eyes 20191004_121747Marriage is an eye-opening experience.

wp242 4 bench eyes 20191004_121753It requires two sets of very different eyes.

wp242 5 seed brown 20191004_095645And seeds of love:

wp242 6 seed ash 20191004_095936One plucked from each heart.

wp242 7 tree tops 20191003_122557The seeds grow,

wp242 8 cast pine cone 20191003_140258mature

wp242 9 cut pine cone 20191004_130638and make more seeds

wp242 10 squirrel silo 20191003_122840so that even if an interloper tries to steal the seeds—

wp242 11 squirrel pine cone 20191003_125135tries to consume the love—it doesn’t work.

wp242 12 crack w log 20191003_105045Because love hangs on.

wp242 13 hotel field 20191003_090148Love knows how to go through dry periods.

wp242 14 lichen 20191003_105632How to cling to its foundation through all sorts of weather.

wp242 15 bald vista 20191003_140432Until it is full and lush again

wp242 15 carved heart 20191004_094726undeterred by any scars. That’s just the way steadfast love is.

Photos © Sondra Sula.

If you like these blogs, you’ll most likely enjoy my daily devotional book, Meditations on Mendocino by Sondra Sula. Available on Amazon in paperback or Kindle versions.