Art contemplation De-stress devotion devotional Hiking Insight inspirational meditation Meditations on Mendocino by Sondra Sula Motivational reflection Reflections on the Fox River and Beyond by Sondra Sula Self-help Self-Improvement sondra sula Spirituality Walking


wp293 01 ichthyosaur eye 20200902 1200On a vacation I’m pretty amenable to suggestions. As long as the suggestions don’t involve hiking in a treeless environment in temperatures over one hundred degrees, or driving at night, I’m game. That’s how I ended up eye to eye with an ichthyosaur: a sculpture of one, to be exact.

wp293 02 ichthyosaur museum1 20200902 1200My husband, Rob, wanted to go to the Berlin Ichthyosaur Museum, but naturally, after driving a mere four hours out of our way, it was closed. Like forlorn children, we peered through the windows at the in-situ bones and life-size replica of the extinct marine reptile caught forever swimming through the air.

wp293 03 cracked earth 20200902 1200At least it was only ninety-eight degrees

wp293 04 ichthyosaur museum roof 20200902 1200with heat rising from the metal roof like reverse shivers.

wp293 05 mill w tracks 20200902 1200I could see why this place had given up its ramshackle ghost.

wp293 06 tractor grill 20200902 1200And I was ready to abandon it as well.

wp293 07 chimney 20200902 1200Even if it did have a few trees alongside the tumbleweeds.

wp293 08 mountain blur 20200902 1200Yet I stayed until Rob had explored everything he wanted to see because that’s what partners do: support one other while silently whining. And before too long, as dusk was falling, we were back on the road—forty-seven miles of dangerous, rough gravel road to be exact. But I was amenable to that because Rob was driving.

Photos © Sondra Sula; taken at Berlin Ichthyosaur State Park, Nevada.

Take a walk with me by reading my most recent daily devotional book, Meditations on Mendocino by Sondra Sula. Available on Amazon in paperback or Kindle versions.

If you’d prefer a daily river walk, Reflections on the Fox River and Beyond by Sondra Sula, might just be the book for you.

aging contemplation devotion devotional diversity faith Hiking Hope inspirational Life Path love meditation Meditations on Mendocino by Sondra Sula Nature Nature Photography northern California Problems reflection Self-Improvement sondra sula Spirituality Walking wisdom

Steadfast Love

wp242 1 vista 20191003_104950My husband, Rob, and I recently visited Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Parks for our wedding anniversary. How does one condense such a diverse experience into a single blog? I guess it’s a lot like trying to fit twenty-three years’ worth of marriage sentiments into a single card.

wp242 2 log houseOr trying to live inside a single log.

wp242 3 bench eyes 20191004_121747Marriage is an eye-opening experience.

wp242 4 bench eyes 20191004_121753It requires two sets of very different eyes.

wp242 5 seed brown 20191004_095645And seeds of love:

wp242 6 seed ash 20191004_095936One plucked from each heart.

wp242 7 tree tops 20191003_122557The seeds grow,

wp242 8 cast pine cone 20191003_140258mature

wp242 9 cut pine cone 20191004_130638and make more seeds

wp242 10 squirrel silo 20191003_122840so that even if an interloper tries to steal the seeds—

wp242 11 squirrel pine cone 20191003_125135tries to consume the love—it doesn’t work.

wp242 12 crack w log 20191003_105045Because love hangs on.

wp242 13 hotel field 20191003_090148Love knows how to go through dry periods.

wp242 14 lichen 20191003_105632How to cling to its foundation through all sorts of weather.

wp242 15 bald vista 20191003_140432Until it is full and lush again

wp242 15 carved heart 20191004_094726undeterred by any scars. That’s just the way steadfast love is.

Photos © Sondra Sula.

If you like these blogs, you’ll most likely enjoy my daily devotional book, Meditations on Mendocino by Sondra Sula. Available on Amazon in paperback or Kindle versions.