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Listening for Divine Wisdom

wp373 01 sink 20220308 1200What do a sink, a buoy and a caterpillar have in common? Good question. Perhaps we’ll discover more as we listen.

Bathroom sink: I provide water with the touch of a handle. The Water of Life is just as easy to access, simply turn your attention to The Divine. wp373 02 buoy from boat 20220328 1200
Buoy with napping seals: Come to me and I will give you rest if you feel worn out by swimming in choppy seas. wp373 03 tiger moth caterpillar 20220330 1200
Tiger moth caterpillar: I move steadily until I find my next source of food, for I am determined to transform. wp373 04 eye step 20220322 1200
Wood grain eye: The eye of God sees all and loves all. wp373 05 lemons 20220308 1200
Lemons: Isn’t it obvious? Make the most of what you’re given. wp373 06 squid whisk 20220328 1200
Squid whisk and Starfish tile: Don’t be afraid to feel out of place; you have a divine purpose. wp373 07 wood fish bench 20220330 1200
Carved fish: When you feel stuck in one place, move the mountains around you. wp373 08 conifer buds 20220403 1200
Conifer buds: Shed the skin of who you were to become the person you now are. wp373 09 Remy chillaxin 20220404 1200
Remy the dog: When you’re frantic — try to relax — things will more easily shift into place. wp373 10 eel step 20220322 1200
Wood grain eel: Live long and travel, but always return to The Source. wp373 11 shore from boat 20220328 1200
Clouds and Ocean: We work together in an endless cycle, for we are truly one.

Photos © Sondra Sula.

Take a walk with me by reading my daily devotional book, Meditations on Mendocino by Sondra Sula. Available on Amazon in paperback or Kindle versions.

If you’d prefer a daily river walk, Reflections on the Fox River and Beyond by Sondra Sula, might just be the book for you.

3 replies on “Listening for Divine Wisdom”

Wow, it’s so great to see your name and think of you! I just saw a picture of our old house in Pennington and it looks pretty good. Whoever owns it made it look a lot better! I hope you are well. I always see these comments right away, but it takes me a long time to respond. I’m at the same email, though.


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