Balance community contemplation devotion diversity faith Finding God Fort Bragg Hiking inner life Insight inspirational meditation Mendocino Mendocino Coast Botanical Gardens Mystery Nature Nature Photography northern California Perspective Point of View reflection Self-Acceptance Self-help Self-Improvement Solitude sondra sula Spirituality Unity Walking wisdom


wp203 2 trunks w daisy, purpleI glanced down to see the bottom of a tree trunk encircled in a profusion of tiny yellow daisies, and another complemented at its base with purple companion plants. I decided to focus my camera and my mind on the place where a tree’s foundational support meets the soil. A mystery of root webs concealed from view keeps the trees grounded and nourished. I must remain rooted in God for balance, support and nourishment.

wp203 2 trunks w holesOther trunks let a few of their roots show, displaying their connection to the earth. Lord, let me know the right times to publicly demonstrate my devotion to You, and when to allow its intuitive interpretation.

wp203 joined trunkI passed a tree’s base that was split, yet intertwined. When I differ in opinion with another, let me remember our greater bond of oneness, inextricably uniting us.

wp203 2 trunks red, twinsDiverse color and texture abounded: peeling, paper-thin rusty orange bark, gray lichen-encrusted trunks, even young bark that was red on one side and olive-gold on the other. We may look different on the outside, but our life-sustaining “sap” still comes from the same Wellspring.

wp203 red twigsLastly, I zeroed in on a large tree’s undulating bark. It flowed down vertically in rivulets of green-tinted gray over a reddish-brown backdrop. A single eye had formed where a branch had been severed. The healed wound offered insight: We are all in the flow. We can fight it and seek to drag ourselves to dry land or we can float effortlessly to The Source and join all others who have gathered there for fellowship. I choose the easy channel to companionship.

wp203 veiny red trunkAll photos © Sondra Sula.

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