Brokenness contemplation De-stress Depression devotion devotional faith Finding God flowers Fort Bragg Headlands Hiking Hope Imagination inner life Insight inspirational Life Path love meditation Meditations on Mendocino by Sondra Sula Mendocino Nature Nature Photography NorCal northern California Pacific ocean Perspective Point of View Potential Prayer Problems reflection Reflections on the Fox River and Beyond by Sondra Sula Self-Acceptance Self-help Self-Improvement Solitude sondra sula Spirituality transformation Unexpected Walking wisdom


wp385 01 yellow leaf w shadow 20220530 1200This past Sunday our Quaker query was: Do I embrace Joy as a companion on my spiritual journey? wp385 02 mown path 20220530 1200
For me, the answer is yes. wp385 03 CA poppy 20220530 1200
Joy came one day like a sprite; a little ball of energy sent by God to help me chuckle — even laugh — amidst turmoil. wp385 04 pink wild radish 20220530 1200
I feel this joy is permanent. wp385 05 rattlesnake grass 20220530 1200
It can’t be shaken off by high winds or ominous depression. wp385 06 sweetpeas 20220530 1200
Joy stays the course, following me around wherever I go and touching everything I do. wp385 07 wild radish 20220530 1200
It doesn’t mean I’m happy all the time wp385 08 2 tall grass blowing 20220530 1200
or that I don’t grope around for God sometimes, feeling lost. wp385 09 dad weed 20220530 1200
Joy reminds me of love in that way; the kind of love between two people who have known one another for decades, have gone through thick and thin, yet their love still abides, dwells within each one. wp385 10 thistle 20220530 1200
I’m glad joy came to me that day with a wink wp385 11 wild radish field 20220530 1200
to let me know it had always been present.

Photos © Sondra Sula.

Take a walk with me by reading my daily devotional book, Meditations on Mendocino by Sondra Sula. Available on Amazon in paperback or Kindle versions.

If you’d prefer a daily river walk, Reflections on the Fox River and Beyond by Sondra Sula, might just be the book for you.

aging Asymmetry contemplation devotion faith Finding God flowers Fort Bragg Imagination inner life Insight inspirational meditation Mendocino Mendocino Coast Botanical Gardens Motivational Nature Nature Photography northern California Prayer Problems reflection Self-Acceptance Self-help Self-Improvement Solitude sondra sula Spirituality Wabi-sabi Walking wisdom

Spring Close-Up

wp213 purple lantern, peaSpring lets us in on her secrets. They are the same the world over. Rebirth. Renewal. Hope. But what do the individual flowers say?

wp213 2 white lanterns, magnoliaThe waxy lanterns of the andromeda shrub remind me that my light shines from within. A white magnolia offers the same wisdom as it virtually glows against the darkness.

wp213 2 pink rhodie, green bellsA rhododendron bloom blurts out joy like a noisemaker at a child’s birthday party. A wine-edged hellebore bows in reverence as it blooms. I can follow their lead and do both.

wp213 chartreuse bractsTwin euphorbia bracts reveal their artistry as I delve inside their protective outer layer. Showing my vulnerability doesn’t illicit disdain as I once imagined, but actually increases my preciousness in the eyes of others.

wp213 2 purple, forget-meThis purple flower appears to be inside-out. When I wear my heart on my sleeve, everyone can see my truth at a glance.

A forget-me-not ages without apology: purple, blue, then gray. When I was a child I thought and acted as a child; but is it time to put away childish things and accept who I now am?

wp213 2 yellow verbascumCheery yellow posies invite me to look on the sunny side of life.

wp213 2 white magnolia, lilac trumpetWhen I want to truly commune with The Divine, I don’t just remain on the surface, but dig deeply into the center of mystery as these tantalizing blooms illustrate.

wp213 2 viola, pine cone budSymmetry is overrated. As you can see from this whiskered viola, the subtle imperfections create a wabi-sabi beauty. And the fissures in a developing pine cone may mar its perfection, but allow it to eventually break out of its gummy constraints and grow.

wp213 2 sweet pea; fuchsiaFinally, a sweet pea and fuchsia open themselves to the world without holding back. Will I dare do the same?

All photos © Sondra Sula.

My most recent daily devotional book, Meditations on Mendocino by Sondra Sula, is available on Amazon in paperback or Kindle versions. It is also sold at the Gallery Bookshop in Mendocino.

Change Freedom Motivational Nature Nature Photography Potential Self-help Spirituality Transition Walking

Embracing Transition

"Sudden Change" by Sondra Sula
“Sudden Change” by Sondra Sula

There are moments in life when a realization dawns that it’s time to move on. Perhaps the move is sudden, in mid-stride, like a cicada breaking free from its wingless exoskeleton to explore a life of flying. Or it can be subtle, like an inkberry transitioning from bud to fruit along its stem, changing gradually.

"Considering Flight" by Sondra Sula
“Considering Flight” by Sondra Sula
"Gradual Transition" by Sondra Sula
“Gradual Transition” by Sondra Sula

I fall into the sweet pea category. Everything is happening at once on the sweet pea vine: buds, blooms, beans. One part of me feels energetic and green, ready to take on the world with open-eyed wonder. Another part feels in full flower, that I am exactly who I was always meant to be. Simultaneously, I feel spent—my colors are fading, my suppleness withering.

And within this still point at which all time collides, I welcome the bean. The pod looks nothing like the flower and keeps growing beyond previous boundaries. The bean, like encapsulated wisdom, contains everything necessary to recreate itself. This fresh incarnation may mimic its predecessor, but is actually an entirely new plant.

However one chooses to move on, be it dramatically or imperceptibly, embracing the change is the surest way to fully enjoy the freedoms a new stage of growth provides.

"Welcoming the Bean" by Sondra Sula
“Welcoming the Bean” by Sondra Sula