contemplation devotion devotional Finding God Imagination inner life inspirational meditation Meditations on Mendocino by Sondra Sula Mendocino Motivational Nature Nature Photography northern California Pacific ocean reflection Reflections on the Fox River and Beyond by Sondra Sula Self-Acceptance Self-help Self-Improvement Solitude sondra sula Spirituality Walking wisdom

Beach Lessons

wp261 01 BBB foam, seaweed 20200214I’ve been drawn to rough-wave beaches since I was a child gathering snails, mussels and seaweed on the Massachusetts coast. Placid beaches have their place—their calm serenity beckons relaxation.

wp261 02 BBB blend rock w holes 20200214But stony beaches evoke exploration. Who are we?

wp261 03 2 BBB rocksEvery rock is one of a kind. As are we.

wp261 04 BBB head, neck rock 20200214I notice dips and divots, as well as overall shape. Noticing isn’t the same as judging.

wp261 05 BBB bicolor, gray rocks 20200214Some stones are divided by color but remain united as one entity. Differences can draw us together.

wp261 06 BBB swirly holes rock 20200214Others have intriguing veins and holes where water runs through or collects. Allow the hollows to be filled to overflowing.

wp261 07 BBB crab 20200214Scuttling crabs use rocks as shelters during daring trips to the surf. Dare to venture from what shelters you—be open to possibility.

wp261 08 BBB stack of 3 rocks 20200214These stones are in close proximity, but are not touching. Give those you love room to breathe, then they are more likely to remain close.

wp261 09 BBB striped rock 20200214I am very aware of the variations within each rock. We are composed of many layers—appreciate each one, for together they create unique you.

Photos © Sondra Sula.

If you like these blogs, you’ll most likely enjoy my latest daily devotional book, Meditations on Mendocino by Sondra Sula. Available on Amazon in paperback or Kindle versions.

If you haven’t read Reflections on the Fox River and Beyond by Sondra Sula, another daily devotional, you may like that, as well.

contemplation devotion devotional diversity faith Finding God flowers Fort Bragg Imagination inner life Insight inspirational meditation Meditations on Mendocino by Sondra Sula Mendocino Mendocino Coast Botanical Gardens Motivational Nature Nature Photography northern California Prayer reflection Self-Acceptance Self-help Self-Improvement Solitude sondra sula Spirituality Walking wisdom

Ready to Bloom

wp232 nigella 20190621_145547Summer is well underway at the Mendocino Coast Botanical Gardens. Otherworldly nigella, also known as love-in-a-mist, waves wildly at me with its many appendages. It definitely wants to be noticed. Sometimes I feel like I’m flailing my arms about trying to garner God’s attention—I forget that I always have it.

wp232 2 flowers purple, stripedOther flowers take a different approach: drawing me in with texture or delicate patterning. What natural gifts do I have that draw others towards me?

wp232 matija poppy close 20190621_152416A Matilija poppy is completely open, revealing its center. How often am I able to fully open myself to Spirit, holding nothing back?

wp232 ice, green 20190621_151857I have to crouch down to see a trio of tiny plants, each with distinctively different leaves. But no matter how different they are, all belong to the plant kingdom. How do I reconcile different aspects of myself that may seem contradictory?

wp232 2 flower vista pink-blueNow I have to stand up and step back to witness waves of color.

wp232 2 flower vista yellow-purple-orangeBeds are bursting with brightness. Do I hide my true colors or let them shine?

wp232 red popply 20190621_150111The black blotches on the ladybird poppy are what make it distinctive, even though it can appear to be a flaw. Which of my “flaws” are really strengths?

wp232 onion w cap 20190621_145607The time has come to leave the gardens, but I make one last stop at the flowering onion. It is almost ready to shed its paper cap, revealing buds on the verge of blossom. Am I ready to bloom?

All photos © Sondra Sula.

If you like these blogs, you’ll most likely enjoy my daily devotional book, Meditations on Mendocino by Sondra Sula. Available on Amazon in paperback or Kindle versions. Now also available at The Mendocino Book Company in downtown Ukiah, California.

Abundance contemplation Finding God flowers Fort Bragg Imagination inner life inspirational meditation Mendocino Mendocino Coast Botanical Gardens Motivational Nature Nature Photography northern California Prayer reflection Self-help Self-Improvement Solitude sondra sula Spirituality wisdom

Dahlia Days

wp184 fuchsia dalhliasDahlia gardens are like lazy summer afternoons combined with tropical-hued firework displays—they simultaneously relax and thrill the observer. Imagine magenta and orange Adirondack chairs placed in the emerald grass surrounding the beds. Sit down. Enjoy a glass of slightly tart lemonade. It even has a cherry and pineapple garnish speared by a miniature pink parasol.

wp184 coral dahliaDoesn’t it feel good to unwind? Take a deep breath through your nose. You won’t smell the dahlias because very few varieties are scented.  No overpowering perfume in the air to interfere with tasting your beverage and dessert. Oh, did I forget to mention there is a plate of sugar-dusted lemon squares resting on a brightly colored tile table next to you? Each one is placed on a white paper doily.

wp184 bee on yellow dahliaRelax. The bees won’t bother you or your treats because they’re so satisfied sipping dahlia nectar.

wp184 whellbarrow of fleursEven dahlia debris is delightful. Don’t worry about the wheelbarrow of deadheaded dahlias robbing you of pleasure as your eyes flit about. Listen to the subtle music made by pollinators as they buzz from flower to flower.

wp184 deadheaded fluersEven a moment in the garden is like a prayer sweetly swaying up towards the heavens. And gratitude comes naturally. You are now ready to face the rest of your day.

All photos © Sondra Sula.

Being Held faith Finding God Hope Insight inspirational Mendocino Mendocino Coast Botanical Gardens Motivational northern California Self-Acceptance Self-help Self-Improvement Solitude sondra sula Spirituality wisdom

Christmas Magic

wp148 gnome, birdThe holiday season is so full of juxtapositions. I noted this as I walked through the “working gardens” of the Mendocino Coast Botanical Gardens. The outer ledge of a decrepit shed displayed a festive red-capped gnome alongside a plump bird companion. They seemed delighted to oversee the grounds.

wp148 2 red machinesA crimson and yellow machine, having seen better days, still gave off a certain rustic charm.

wp148 2 latchesA couple of latches reminded me how the holidays can make me feel penned in. Expectations float in the air: the desire for gifts, perfection, familial love. Moving toward my inner spirit is what calms this sense of being trapped.

wp148 2 double latchesI passed pairs of hinges. Hmm. Such devices allow both closing and opening. Perhaps I needed to open myself to the joy the season can bring.

wp148 fanciful chairAs I contemplated this, I became oblivious to my surroundings—until a brilliant, magical chair beckoned me to enjoy its presence. It felt like God welcoming me with open arms—a tender gesture of embrace. Isn’t that Christmas in a nutshell? The fragile vulnerability of the Christ child, arms raised, ready to be held and loved?

All photos © Sondra Sula.

Art Nature Self-help Spirituality

The Opening

"Open Thistle Burr" by Sondra Sula
“Open Thistle Burr” by Sondra Sula

During a recent Gratefulness Walk, I found myself surrounded by dried thistle plants arching towards the center of the forest trail. Some of them reached over my head, their burrs waiting to grasp, cling, and hitch a ride upon unsuspecting passersby. I looked down and noticed a lone burr resting on the snow, each thread-like protrusion barbed and threatening. But the most noticeable aspect of this burr was that it was open, whereas all the other burrs around me were closed. The opening allowed the seeds to disperse, creating the potential for new life.

A few years ago I completed a painting of a lotus flower growing out of my navel as I raised my hands in prayer. Since the navel is the residual aspect of our life connection, I liked the idea that spiritual growth was springing from the God connection deep within and manifesting outwards. Yet it bothered me that there wasn’t a place of receiving, a place to “take in” truth.

When I showed the painting to my husband, he looked at it and said, “You know you forgot to paint that little bit of the body along the side.”

I hadn’t noticed. However I instantly knew this was the opening I was looking for – on the left side of the body near the heart. This was a place where God could enter my heart, a place left open for truth. The opening allows me to disperse my little seeds, which are tossed willy-nilly into the wind, hoping that one or two may find hospitable soil.

"Opening" (detail, lotus) © Sondra Sula
“Opening” (detail, lotus) © Sondra Sula
"Opening" © Sondra Sula
“Opening” © Sondra Sula