contemplation De-stress devotion devotional faith Finding God flowers Fort Bragg Insight inspirational meditation Meditations on Mendocino by Sondra Sula Mendocino Motivational Nature Nature Photography NorCal northern California Perspective Point of View reflection Reflections on the Fox River and Beyond by Sondra Sula Self-Acceptance Self-help Self-Improvement Solitude sondra sula Spirituality Walking wisdom

Plant Talk

wp379 01 green cage 20220502 copyCan there be communication without language? wp379 02 purple shrimp 20220502 copy
Of course. wp379 03 tower of jewels 20220502 copy
Plants may not talk to us directly wp379 04 yellow fuzzies 20220502 copy
but their colors and shapes trigger an emotional response within us. wp379 05 2 rhodie, red daisy 20220502 copy
Who hasn’t been cheered by a bright blossom wp379 06 shamrocks 20220502 copy
or soothed by the cool greenness of tender foliage? wp379 07 fruit blossoms 20220502 copy
When I see a fruit tree blossom I feel the promise of something ripe and edible forming in the near future. wp379 08 2 purple, wisteria 20220502 copy
Creation communicates so much to us: the cycles of birth and death.wp379 09 yellow crown 20220502 copy
The concept of growth through something as tiny as a seed. wp379 10 poppies 20220502 copy
Faith that we can survive, even in rocky soil. wp379 11 purple iris 20220502 copy
That we can flourish wp379 12 pine, hedge 20220502 copy
by reaching toward the heavens.

Photos © Sondra Sula.

Take a walk with me by reading my daily devotional book, Meditations on Mendocino by Sondra Sula. Available on Amazon in paperback or Kindle versions.

If you’d prefer a daily river walk, Reflections on the Fox River and Beyond by Sondra Sula, might just be the book for you.

contemplation devotion devotional diversity faith Finding God flowers Fort Bragg Imagination inner life Insight inspirational meditation Meditations on Mendocino by Sondra Sula Mendocino Mendocino Coast Botanical Gardens Motivational Nature Nature Photography northern California Prayer reflection Self-Acceptance Self-help Self-Improvement Solitude sondra sula Spirituality Walking wisdom

Ready to Bloom

wp232 nigella 20190621_145547Summer is well underway at the Mendocino Coast Botanical Gardens. Otherworldly nigella, also known as love-in-a-mist, waves wildly at me with its many appendages. It definitely wants to be noticed. Sometimes I feel like I’m flailing my arms about trying to garner God’s attention—I forget that I always have it.

wp232 2 flowers purple, stripedOther flowers take a different approach: drawing me in with texture or delicate patterning. What natural gifts do I have that draw others towards me?

wp232 matija poppy close 20190621_152416A Matilija poppy is completely open, revealing its center. How often am I able to fully open myself to Spirit, holding nothing back?

wp232 ice, green 20190621_151857I have to crouch down to see a trio of tiny plants, each with distinctively different leaves. But no matter how different they are, all belong to the plant kingdom. How do I reconcile different aspects of myself that may seem contradictory?

wp232 2 flower vista pink-blueNow I have to stand up and step back to witness waves of color.

wp232 2 flower vista yellow-purple-orangeBeds are bursting with brightness. Do I hide my true colors or let them shine?

wp232 red popply 20190621_150111The black blotches on the ladybird poppy are what make it distinctive, even though it can appear to be a flaw. Which of my “flaws” are really strengths?

wp232 onion w cap 20190621_145607The time has come to leave the gardens, but I make one last stop at the flowering onion. It is almost ready to shed its paper cap, revealing buds on the verge of blossom. Am I ready to bloom?

All photos © Sondra Sula.

If you like these blogs, you’ll most likely enjoy my daily devotional book, Meditations on Mendocino by Sondra Sula. Available on Amazon in paperback or Kindle versions. Now also available at The Mendocino Book Company in downtown Ukiah, California.