Brokenness contemplation De-stress Depression devotion devotional Dinosaurs Fauna Finding God Hope Insight inspirational meditation Meditations on Mendocino by Sondra Sula Motivational museums Mystery Nature Nature Photography Perspective Point of View Potential Problems reflection Reflections on the Fox River and Beyond by Sondra Sula Self-Acceptance Self-help Self-Improvement Solitude sondra sula Spirituality wisdom

What Do You Do?

wp370 01 elk statue 20220128 1200What do you do wp370 02 blue stones w scale 20220129 1200
when the weight of the world wp370 03 rock pile 20220127 1200
feels too heavy to bear? wp370 04 howling lion 20220128 1200
Cry out? wp370 05 lion claws 20220128 1200
Dig in? wp370 06 2 bunny, teapot 1200
Shop wp370 07 tiffany-style lamp 20220127 1200
to distract yourself? wp370 08 car mirror 20220127 1200
Drive away wp370 09 saguaro mountain 20220128 1200
to somewhere desolate, wp370 10 Sedona sunset 20220130 1200
beautiful, wp370 11 Sinclair pump 20220201 1200
lonely wp370 12 Blythe intaglio figure 20220127 1200
or mysterious? wp370 13 bedspread 20220131 1200
Stay in a motel for the night and lose yourself in the bedspread’s pattern? wp370 14 mammal tracks 20220131 1200
Look for permanence through fossils, wp370 15 baby mammoth 20220129 1200
ancient objects wp370 16 yard statuary 20220201 1200
or solid cement statuary that won’t easily disintegrate? wp370 17 cougar bats porcupine 20220129 1200
Amuse yourself with strange creatures wp370 18 elk head, monolith 20220129 1200
and odd juxtapositions? wp370 19 lion silhouette 20220128 1200
When there’s no more room for anger, wp370 20 Oatman lights 20220201 1200
let peace rain down softly from the trees. Peace and light.

Photos © Sondra Sula.

Take a walk with me by reading my daily devotional book, Meditations on Mendocino by Sondra Sula. Available on Amazon in paperback or Kindle versions.

If you’d prefer a daily river walk, Reflections on the Fox River and Beyond by Sondra Sula, might just be the book for you.

contemplation devotion devotional Dinosaurs Discovery Fauna inspirational meditation Meditations on Mendocino by Sondra Sula reflection sondra sula Spirituality Wonder

Finding Wonder

wp235 antelopes reflection 20190807_094757Roadside America is partial to the quirky side of every state, which is why my husband and I like to stop at some of the attractions it has unearthed since its inception.

wp235 screaming buck 20190807_094842Out-of-the-way places in tiny towns where we would never normally stop became easily accessible destinations along our journey.

wp235 antler reflection 20190807_094817Like this second-hand store, which was closed, but still provided us with plenty of through-the-window wonders.

wp235 Donald Duck reflection 20190807_094919Including Donald Duck.

wp235 fawn junkyard 20190807_123937We also discovered an outdoor statuary “store” along a lonesome highway’s frontage road.

wp235 iron eagle 20190807_122556We were greeted by a giant eagle whose talons hovered just above our heads.

wp235 pig junkyard 20190807_123007A pig was guarding a gazebo.

wp235 rusted swan 20190807_123026Along with a rusty swan.

wp235 baby sinclair dino 20190807_123506A baby Sinclair dinosaur in a wild shade of green paused from munching on dry grass and smiled.

wp235 flat iron horse 20190807_124026And a tiny flat horse tied to a post waited indefinitely along the side of a barn for someone to take it home.

wp235 2 rooster, giraffe junkyardWe laughed when we saw a rooster and giraffe, both the same size, towering over us.

wp235 fly on milkshake crop 20190807_161439What I like most about these odd attractions—American eccentricity at its best—is the wonder they engender. Seeing with fresh eyes even allowed us to appreciate a common housefly. It came to feast on a drop of chocolate malt that had fallen on our table when we stopped for lunch.

Where do you find your wonder?

Photos © Sondra Sula.

If you like these blogs, you’ll most likely enjoy my daily devotional book, Meditations on Mendocino by Sondra Sula. Available on Amazon in paperback or Kindle versions. Now also available at The Mendocino Book Company in downtown Ukiah, California.

Art Dinosaurs Imagination Self-help Self-Improvement sondra sula Spirituality

The Art of Dinosaur Hunting

wp125 3 dinos orangeMy husband hunts dinosaurs. He spends months digging in the dry, dusty ground to expose vertebrae, ribs, femurs, skulls, and if he’s lucky, an articulated skeleton. The work is thrilling, tedious and physical. A hat is his only shade and water must be carried in on his back.

wp125 2 dinos smilingMy style of dinosaur hunting is a bit less intense. It involves finding artists’ sculptures of these fantastical creatures—the crazier the better. Vernal, Utah provided a plethora of possibilities from humorous to realistic.

wp125 2 dinos teeth, skyThe “terrible lizards” peeked around every corner; some smiling, some roaring.

wp125 3 dinos brickOne even seemed to be swimming through the air. A T. rex appeared to be bullying a triceratops, who wasn’t frightened in the least. A Rodney Dangerfield type—arms and claws extended—gave the impression of imploring an imaginary audience for respect.

wp125 2 dino backsA hefty stegosaurus and zebra-like who-knows-what created their own horizons against the sky.

My husband and I share a passion for fun, and because of that, we can always find common ground. How do you find common ground with others?

All photos © Sondra Sula.