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Tuning In

wp212 callas w bee farMy devotional Gratefulness Walks require me to pay attention to the world around me rather than remain in my head, oblivious to my surroundings. Grounding myself and focusing on my sense of sight, smell, sound, touch and taste were the initial reasons I began this type of devotional exercise over thirty years ago.

wp212 bee w calla spathe closeBut on this day, I was worried about taxes, what to make for dinner and general day-to-day tasks yet undone. I didn’t even realize I wasn’t in “wonder mode” until a black speck on a white petal caught my eye. As I crept closer, the speck became a plump, furry bee spread eagle on a calla lily.

wp212 ice plant half halfSuddenly I was back in meditation mode, aware of everything around me. Why, just across the way was an ice plant bloom. Half the fringe-like petals were pale yellow and short, while the other half were pink and long. Imagine that! Well, I didn’t have to because my inner eye was now in sync with my outer eyes.

wp212 strawberry flower w bee mimicA few steps further led me to a bee mimic, also known as a hoverfly, perched on a strawberry flower near the tip of my toes. I was mesmerized by its undulating stripes as it fed on pollen.

Every wonder had been there all along. I simply hadn’t tuned in to creation because I was preoccupied with petty worries.

wp212 snail shellAs I turned around and headed back, I saw an empty snail shell. I remembered something God told me once about myself: I can spiral up or down; it’s my choice. And if I find myself in a dark pit, I should feel around for the spiral staircase that is always in the center—then begin my ascent up and out.

All photos © Sondra Sula.

My most recent daily devotional book, Meditations on Mendocino by Sondra Sula, is fresh off the press. Available on Amazon in paperback or Kindle versions.