Balance contemplation De-stress devotion devotional Fauna Finding God flowers Headlands Hiking Hope Insight inspirational meditation Meditations on Mendocino by Sondra Sula Mendocino Motivational Nature Nature Photography northern California Perspective Problems reflection Self-help Self-Improvement Solitude sondra sula Spirituality

A Natural Way to De-Stress

wp227 yellow daisy, bee mimic 20190602_124517When I feel stressed and must get a lot of things done, it is counterintuitive for me to spend time outside in nature. I feel selfish and extravagant, as if I’m simply procrastinating the tasks at hand. And yet that is exactly what I need.

wp227 purple, ladybug 20190602_123007Staring eyeball to eyeball with a miniscule creature perched on a tiny flower is sure to release a few much-needed endorphins. And catching sight of a retreating red ladybug among vivid purple blooms makes critical deadlines retreat to their proper place.

wp227 2 yellow flowers w bugsIf an itsy-bitsy fly or bee mimic can traverse a wild world of wind gusts and predators, I can nimbly pick my way through corporate quagmires.

wp227 Mendo paintbrush 20190602_123406A Mendocino paintbrush reminds me of my true nature: painter of images and words. Sometimes I forget this simple truth.

wp227 bee on daisy 20190602_124318So the next time I’m out of sorts, I’ll visit with a bee. After all, her job is spending time with flowers all day long.

All photos © Sondra Sula.

If you like these blogs, you’ll most likely enjoy my daily devotional book, Meditations on Mendocino by Sondra Sula. Available on Amazon in paperback or Kindle versions.

Abundance contemplation Finding God flowers Fort Bragg Imagination inner life inspirational meditation Mendocino Mendocino Coast Botanical Gardens Motivational Nature Nature Photography northern California Prayer reflection Self-help Self-Improvement Solitude sondra sula Spirituality wisdom

Dahlia Days

wp184 fuchsia dalhliasDahlia gardens are like lazy summer afternoons combined with tropical-hued firework displays—they simultaneously relax and thrill the observer. Imagine magenta and orange Adirondack chairs placed in the emerald grass surrounding the beds. Sit down. Enjoy a glass of slightly tart lemonade. It even has a cherry and pineapple garnish speared by a miniature pink parasol.

wp184 coral dahliaDoesn’t it feel good to unwind? Take a deep breath through your nose. You won’t smell the dahlias because very few varieties are scented.  No overpowering perfume in the air to interfere with tasting your beverage and dessert. Oh, did I forget to mention there is a plate of sugar-dusted lemon squares resting on a brightly colored tile table next to you? Each one is placed on a white paper doily.

wp184 bee on yellow dahliaRelax. The bees won’t bother you or your treats because they’re so satisfied sipping dahlia nectar.

wp184 whellbarrow of fleursEven dahlia debris is delightful. Don’t worry about the wheelbarrow of deadheaded dahlias robbing you of pleasure as your eyes flit about. Listen to the subtle music made by pollinators as they buzz from flower to flower.

wp184 deadheaded fluersEven a moment in the garden is like a prayer sweetly swaying up towards the heavens. And gratitude comes naturally. You are now ready to face the rest of your day.

All photos © Sondra Sula.