Abundance Being Held contemplation De-stress devotion devotional faith Finding God flowers Fort Bragg Hope Imagination inner life Insight inspirational meditation Meditations on Mendocino by Sondra Sula Mendocino Mendocino Coast Botanical Gardens Motivational Mystery Nature Nature Photography NorCal northern California Perspective Point of View reflection Reflections on the Fox River and Beyond by Sondra Sula Self-Acceptance Self-help Self-Improvement Solitude sondra sula Spirituality Support transformation wisdom Wonder

Ballet of Begonias

wp396 01 orange begonia2 20220829 1200I waltz into the “Begonia House” at the Mendocino Coast Botanical Gardens. wp396 02 pink begonia4 20220829 1200
The structure is brimming with begonias that boggle my mind. wp396 03 yellow begonia1 20220829 1200
Every petal a plié. wp396 04 red begonia2 20220829 1200
Every ruffle a petticoat. wp396 05 white begonia2 20220829 1200
The pendulous flowers beckon me to dance. wp396 06 pink begonia2 20220829 1200
No one is watching, so I take a tiny twirl. wp396 07 orange begonia1 20220829 1200
Languidly outstretch an arm. wp396 08 red begonia1 20220829 1200
I close my eyes and sense Presence. wp396 09 pink begonia1 20220829 1200
The Creator is within the flowers. wp396 10 orange begonia3 20220829 1200
The Divine is all around me wp396 11 white begonia1 20220829 1200
encouraging me to participate in the Dance of Life, wp396 12 yellow begonia2 20220829 1200
encouraging me to invite others to this great celebration. wp396 13 pink begonia3 20220829 1200
Would you care to dance?

Photos © Sondra Sula.

Take a walk with me by reading my daily devotional book, Meditations on Mendocino by Sondra Sula. Available on Amazon in paperback or Kindle versions.

If you’d prefer a daily river walk, Reflections on the Fox River and Beyond by Sondra Sula, might just be the book for you.

contemplation devotion devotional Finding God flowers Fort Bragg Hope inner life Insight inspirational meditation Meditations on Mendocino by Sondra Sula Mendocino Mendocino Coast Botanical Gardens Motivational Mystery Nature Nature Photography NorCal northern California Perspective Point of View Potential Problems reflection Reflections on the Fox River and Beyond by Sondra Sula Self-Acceptance Self-help Self-Improvement Solitude sondra sula Spirituality transformation Walking wisdom

Are You Happy?

wp394 01 chartreuse pea like 20220829 1200Are you happy? wp394 02 pink star amid lime 20220829 1200
Do you know what makes you happy? wp394 03 wild geranium 20220829 1200
I know that walking alone in nature makes me happy. wp394 04 brush bush 20220829 1200
But why? wp394 05 lilac-yellow petunia 20220829 1200
When I am alone I can think, contemplate, reflect. wp394 06 rudbeckia 20220829 1200
I can reflect on the idea that when I am alone I am most conscious of not being alone at all. wp394 07 Cupid's dart 20220829 1200
I can sense the presence of God. wp394 08 flowers thru bench 20220829 1200
And when I do, I also sense my connection to everyone and everything. wp394 09 black-eyed-susans 20220829 1200
This is a paradox, because when I am amid a throng of people, I can forget our oneness. wp394 10 pink poppy 20220829 1200
I can forget that we all share something in common — perhaps many things. wp394 11 wine leaves 202208291200
We are both unique and the same. wp394 12 pink poppy 20220829 1200
This is glorious mystery. wp394 13 yellow w bee mimic 20220829 1200
And by the way, glorious mystery is another thing that makes me happy.

Photos © Sondra Sula.

Take a walk with me by reading my daily devotional book, Meditations on Mendocino by Sondra Sula. Available on Amazon in paperback or Kindle versions.

If you’d prefer a daily river walk, Reflections on the Fox River and Beyond by Sondra Sula, might just be the book for you.

Art Being Held contemplation De-stress devotion devotional faith Finding God flowers Imagination inner life Insight inspirational meditation Meditations on Mendocino by Sondra Sula Mystery Nature NorCal northern California Perspective Point of View Potential reflection Reflections on the Fox River and Beyond by Sondra Sula Self-Acceptance Self-help Self-Improvement Solitude sondra sula Spirituality transformation Trees


wp380 01 Tulip Rain Chain 20220521 1200Silent retreats always lead me towards interiority. wp380 02 columbine veins 20220517 1200
And once I’m in touch with that deep inner self, I’m aware of God permeating everything. wp380 03 desk w books 20220517 1200
There is a stillness to the room’s cell-like simplicity — wp380 04 retreat bed 20220516 1200
a sense of freedom in being stripped down to the bare essentials for a week. wp380 05 me at retreat 20220517 1200
Less distraction for contemplation. wp380 06 Light Bulb Tree 20220519 1200
More room for imaginative creativity. wp380 07 Meadow Grove 20220518 1200
As I pare down the exterior landscape into oil-crayon shapes, wp380 08 anemones1 20220517 1200
I notice how complex the flowers in my room are, wp380 09 dueling journals 20220521 1200
how I always choose overly ornate journals, wp380 10 cement floor design 20220521 1200
and how the plain cement floor happens to be “marred” by a curious design. wp380 11 columbine bud 20220521 1200
I feel God’s presence everywhere — wp380 11 Telephone Wires 20220521 1200
even in the telephone poles outside my window. wp380 12 anemones2 20220521 1200
As I draw into interior thought, I wonder if anything is simple wp380 13 Redon Revisited 20220521 1200
or if everything is simple. For now, I have the time to contemplate this paradox.

Photos and artwork © Sondra Sula. Titles of small oil crayon sketches from top to bottom: Tulip Rain Chain, Light Bulb Tree, Meadow Grove, Telephone Wires, Redon Revisited.

Take a walk with me by reading my daily devotional book, Meditations on Mendocino by Sondra Sula. Available on Amazon in paperback or Kindle versions.

If you’d prefer a daily river walk, Reflections on the Fox River and Beyond by Sondra Sula, might just be the book for you.

contemplation De-stress devotion devotional faith Finding God flowers Fort Bragg Headlands Hiking Hope Imagination inner life Insight inspirational meditation Meditations on Mendocino by Sondra Sula Mendocino Mystery Nature Nature Photography NorCal northern California Pacific ocean reflection Reflections on the Fox River and Beyond by Sondra Sula Self-help Self-Improvement Solitude sondra sula Spirituality Support Walking

The Ever-Present Sky

wp359 01 cloud vista vert1 20211229 1200Living surrounded by tall trees — bull pine, cypress, redwood — I see only patches of sky. But just two miles away, the sky takes over.wp359 02 cloud vista horiz1 20211229 1200
It becomes larger than life: a character to be reckoned with, paid attention to, noticed. wp359 03 narcissis new year 20211229 1200
The sky dwarfs bowing narcissus, heavy-headed. wp359 04 cloud vista vert2 20211229 1200
It shows off its dazzling clouds, wp359 05 cloud vista horiz2 20211229 1200
pulls them over itself like a wooly blanket, wp359 06 lichen rocks 20211229 1200
dims the light in such a way that lichens glow. wp359 07 cloud vista vert3 20211229 1200
Even when I crouch in the tall weeds, the sky lets me know it’s there.
wp359 08 cloud vista horiz3 20211229 1200And when I peer over the edge of headland bluffs to spy on seal pups, terns and cormorants, the sky reminds me of its presence.
wp359 09 ice plant bloom 20211229 1200The Presence. Always there if we but tilt our heads to see.

Photos © Sondra Sula.

Take a walk with me by reading my most recent daily devotional book, Meditations on Mendocino by Sondra Sula. Available on Amazon in paperback or Kindle versions.

If you’d prefer a daily river walk, Reflections on the Fox River and Beyond by Sondra Sula, might just be the book for you.

contemplation devotion devotional faith Finding God Imagination inner life Insight inspirational meditation Meditations on Mendocino by Sondra Sula reflection Solitude sondra sula Spirituality wisdom

Windows to the Soul

wp236 window maroon, tealMost have heard the phrase: Eyes are the windows to the soul. But what do the windows themselves connote? Not the glass that allows us to see in or out, but the frames.

wp236 window praying mapleSome have a prayerful shape and radiate reverence.

wp236 window white wire innerOthers illustrate interconnectedness—a metal latticework of joining or crossing paths.

wp236 2 window framesDo we need the aid of their upward-pointing shapes to connect to Spirit?

wp236 door cutoutDo they encourage us to contemplate the beyond?

wp236 window maple, greenSeeing these window frames all stacked within a shed gave me a sense of soaring, of peace, of Presence. They felt . . . worth sharing.

Photos © Sondra Sula.

If you like these blogs, you’ll most likely enjoy my daily devotional book, Meditations on Mendocino by Sondra Sula. Available on Amazon in paperback or Kindle versions.

contemplation Depression devotion devotional Discovery faith fear Finding God Fort Bragg Glass Beach Hope Imagination inner life Insight inspirational Life Path meditation Meditations on Mendocino by Sondra Sula Mendocino Motivational northern California reflection Self-Acceptance Self-help Self-Improvement Solitude sondra sula Spirituality wisdom

Questions at Glass Beach

wp228 3 GB flower, glass, red seaweedI tiptoe through a channel of slippery rocks at low tide, knowing that one misstep will plunge me into … knee-deep water and ruin my sneakers. Not exactly treacherous, yet my body pumps with fear nonetheless. My anxious discomfort is worth the reward: ankle-deep stands of beach glass. What difficulty worth looking into do I need to face?

wp228 2 GB long shotsA photographer’s dream lies before me: craggy rocks, unreal blue pools of water, shapely crevices and the ever-present glass sand. What crevices in my life need exploring?

wp228 green seaweed 20190605_084701Emerald cellophane seaweed makes its own green river complete with currents. Am I enough as I am?

wp228 2 GB cave, footstepsA rock tunnel invites me to crawl through it, the blinding light at its end beckoning me forth. When I am called to get on my knees, do I stubbornly try to stay on my feet, bending just enough to enter into the Light?

My footprints sink into the brilliant sand as a seaweed waterfall cascades over sea-worn boulders. And if I remain on my feet, will I miss the subtle beauty that comes from close inspection/introspection?

wp228 glass spill 20190605_084738A picturesque spill of brown, clear and Kelly green glass waits for high tide to dislodge it. When I feel low and stuck, do I believe the Mighty Waters will set me free?

wp228 GB green seaweed 20190605_084642A mound of seaweed calls to mind a burning bush, licked by green flames. Do I believe God speaks to me in unusual ways? Am I continually seeking God’s Presence?

wp228 GB mendo paintbrush 20190605_090403I would like to think I’m listening, and telling the story I hear. For I believe all creation speaks of its Creator. What do you hear?

All photos © Sondra Sula.

If you like these blogs, you’ll most likely enjoy my daily devotional book, Meditations on Mendocino by Sondra Sula. Available on Amazon in paperback or Kindle versions.

Brokenness contemplation diversity faith Finding God Flaws Fort Bragg Imagination inner life Insight inspirational litter meditation Mendocino Motivational northern California Prayer reflection Self-Acceptance Self-help Self-Improvement Solitude sondra sula Spirituality Walking wisdom

Contemplating Litter

wp201 2 stirrer, peanut shellLitter is ubiquitous. It’s omnipresent, like God. If you find a place free of litter, it’s because humans rarely pass there, or because other humans choose to pick it up. Many of us feel God’s presence in a pristine plot of nature; fewer feel The Divine smack dab in the middle of a crowd, elbows jabbing into flesh. But God is pervasive—among and within us all.

I pass a stirrer. An image of a mermaid, perhaps drinking coffee, decorates the top. Lord, bless the coffee drinkers. All of them.

A peanut shell, its nut meat most likely eaten by a ground squirrel, is tucked into the grass, shaped like a miniature shy parrot. Lord, bless the wild animals, and those who feed them. Every single one.

wp201 plastic lidA plastic cup lid creates a porthole into a minute terrarium. Lord, bless the drinkers of cold beverages. All of them.

wp201 2 bar, leashSome sort of strap, a part of something greater, rests among tufts of grass that resemble explosions of life. Lord, bless those who manufacture, toil in factories, create physical objects.

A broken dog collar is suspended in the tall, dry weeds. I imagine the frantic worry that followed the incident. Lord, bless domesticated animals and those who care for them. And bless the worriers, too. Every single one.

wp201 cig buttThe butt of a cigarette on the ground reminds me of all the people I know who have tried, both successfully and unsuccessfully, to quit. And those who would never consider stopping. Lord, bless the smokers, one and all.

wp201 black circleLastly, I see a circle. A remnant of what was and is no longer. Just a shadow, really. Lord, bless our ephemeral lives. Let us leave our mark, not as litter, but as reflections of you here on earth. Amen.

All photos © Sondra Sula.

faith Finding God flowers Good Friday Holy Week Hope inspirational Mendocino Motivational Nature Photography northern California Self-help Self-Improvement Solitude Spirituality


wp112 churchToday is Good Friday, a day I normally spend hours upon hours in various churches. I thought about my recent visit to the Mendocino Presbyterian Church, which hosts many cultural events in its adjacent building, Preston Hall. I was there to hear a trio of musicians and walked outside during intermission.

wp112 purple flowerThe small area around the church was festooned with flowers—large and small. Purple buds flung themselves wildly about on wiry stalks looking alien-esque against a whitewashed wall.

wp112 3 flowersTiny clumps of flowers beckoned me closer to see their detailed petals and smell their subtle fragrance.

wp112 orange flower asphaltI heard the shuffle of feet, the rustle of clothing rubbing against limbs. Intermission was almost over. I looked down to see a fiery orange blossom dying on the pavement. Although its life was short, its striking death brought undue pleasure.

wp112 geraniumHurrying back, I almost tripped over a geranium whose hairy stem had reached beyond its garden boundary to caress my ankle. I stopped and noticed how the emerald leaves had ruffled red edges. The entire plant seemed to glow from within.

wp112 tulipsBefore I reentered the hall, a pot of pink and yellow tulips shouted: Easter! I suddenly realized that Good Friday was just the intermission.

All photos © Sondra Sula.

Desert Fathers Desert Mothers faith Finding God inspirational Mendocino Motivational Mystery Nature Photography northern California Prayer Self-Improvement Solitude sondra sula Spirituality Unity wisdom

A Tabernacle Place

wp110 teepee w clouds 20170317I imagine the Desert Fathers and Mothers lived in crude structures, and when I caught sight of a skeletal teepee fashioned of narrow tree trunks and framed by a dramatic, smoky sky, I thought of them. There is a mystical feeling I get when I walk the deserted, sandy beaches here, where people have created temporary lives, perhaps for just a few hours.

wp110 2 sheltersI come across an alcove made of branches, inviting me to sit down, tucked into its embrace. It’s a perfect place to meditate, to seek God’s wisdom as those who made their homes in the desert did.

wp110 wood X horseNearby a sawhorse made of sticks serves as a storage area for firewood and kindling. It’s ready and waiting for night’s descent, when it can fuel fire for warmth and light. Over the ages many have contemplated existence while looking into mesmerizing orange flames.

wp110 tableAnd then I reach a tabernacle with worshipful offerings placed on top: a stone, a pile of sand, a seed pod. Holiness hangs in the air. I breathe in. I feel Wisdom enter my body, gathered from all who sought God through solitude in the past, as well as future seekers. I feel the fire, smell the sacred smoke. I have entered the tabernacle where all are one.

All photos © Sondra Sula.

Depression Finding God Insight Motivational Nature Self-help Solitude Spirituality Walking Wonder

The Yellow Days of August

"Yellow Flowers, Green Bees" by Sondra Sula
“Yellow Flowers, Green Bees” by Sondra Sula

Creation is spectacular, ever changing, and cyclical. As I began to walk outside in the natural world day after day, month after month, year after year, I noticed certain colors stood out more than others during any particular month. August shouts bright yellow and lush, vivid green. Even insects join the chorus: metallic emerald sweat bees dust themselves with golden pollen, a saffron-and-black patterned beetle traverses taxi-cab-yellow petals to its next stop.

"Exploring" by Sondra Sula
“Exploring” by Sondra Sula

How can I remain glum when I see brilliant rays of sunshine extend from a flower’s center, inviting me in for a closer look? How can I focus on my problems when I’m busy following a long-legged spider’s journey across the forest floor’s bouquet of blossoming underbrush? How can I cry when the jewelweed’s glistening tears reflect globes of tranquil beauty?

Recent spiritual readings have brought to light that joy hangs in the air like humidity, always available for breathing. Even when I’m sad, or feel distant from God, joy is still present. I can see that when I look around. Perhaps joy is yellow.

"Yellow Days of August" by Sondra Sula
“Yellow Days of August” by Sondra Sula