contemplation Finding God flowers Fort Bragg Imagination inspirational meditation Mendocino Mendocino Coast Botanical Gardens Motivational Nature Nature Photography Nests northern California reflection Self-help Self-Improvement sondra sula Spirituality Walking Wonder

Becoming a Child Again

wp178 giant eggs in nestWhat would you do if you came across speckled turquoise bird eggs in a nest on the ground? And what if you could easily fit into this nest because it was ginormous? Perhaps, like me, you would feel a sense of childhood awe.

wp178 verbascum curlThat feeling is what I like to capture every day. The wonder of seeing of a mullein plant twisting itself into a circle.

wp178 purple sticky seedHairy purple and green seed heads that look as if they are out of a sci-fi novel.

wp178 foxglove closeEven a common foxglove looks particularly striking when one bends down to toddler level to view it.

Almost anything can amaze us when we let down our adult guard and embrace the world around us with freshness and glee.

All photos © Sondra Sula.

Note: Nest is situated in the Mendocino Coast Botanical Gardens.

faith Finding God flowers Good Friday Holy Week Hope inspirational Mendocino Motivational Nature Photography northern California Self-help Self-Improvement Solitude Spirituality


wp112 churchToday is Good Friday, a day I normally spend hours upon hours in various churches. I thought about my recent visit to the Mendocino Presbyterian Church, which hosts many cultural events in its adjacent building, Preston Hall. I was there to hear a trio of musicians and walked outside during intermission.

wp112 purple flowerThe small area around the church was festooned with flowers—large and small. Purple buds flung themselves wildly about on wiry stalks looking alien-esque against a whitewashed wall.

wp112 3 flowersTiny clumps of flowers beckoned me closer to see their detailed petals and smell their subtle fragrance.

wp112 orange flower asphaltI heard the shuffle of feet, the rustle of clothing rubbing against limbs. Intermission was almost over. I looked down to see a fiery orange blossom dying on the pavement. Although its life was short, its striking death brought undue pleasure.

wp112 geraniumHurrying back, I almost tripped over a geranium whose hairy stem had reached beyond its garden boundary to caress my ankle. I stopped and noticed how the emerald leaves had ruffled red edges. The entire plant seemed to glow from within.

wp112 tulipsBefore I reentered the hall, a pot of pink and yellow tulips shouted: Easter! I suddenly realized that Good Friday was just the intermission.

All photos © Sondra Sula.

Depression Nature Self-help Spirituality

Soothing the Irritable Beast

“Debutante Columbine and Dandelion Visitor” by Sondra Sula

I get overwhelmed quite easily and am presently in that state. Usually I become paralyzed, unable to perform the simplest of tasks. Every noise seems too loud, every odor too pungent, every touch too rough. Doing an errand that requires human interaction is out of the question because I am an irritable tiger, ready to pounce at the first perceived provocation.

A walk in nature almost always soothes me, no matter how cantankerous I am. I view nature as neutral—not out to get me, nor provide comfort—she simply, gloriously IS.

“Hiding from the Rain” by Sondra Sula

How can I remain grumpy when a debutante columbine dances in front of me, her layered skirt graduating from sherbet pink to pale lemon? How can I remain preoccupied with my own problems when I am holding a sunny dandelion still against the wind, observing its rainbow-winged visitor?

Tears turn to laughter when I see a tiny bee trying to hide from the rain in the shallow cup of a wild geranium. And then the sun returns, in the form of a dandelion whose petals have turned into seeds and have now blown away, revealing a second radiance.

As a bumblebee buzzes past I relish the sound. Russian olives send out an enticing honey perfume. The supple, fringed petals of an unfolding aster feel like the finest silk against my skin. My senses have returned. This testy tiger has transformed into a tender tiger lily.

“Dandelion Sun and Crying Aster” by Sondra Sula