contemplation devotion devotional Discovery Finding God giant sequoias Hiking Imagination inspirational meditation Meditations on Mendocino by Sondra Sula Mystery Nature Nature Photography northern California reflection Self-help Self-Improvement Sequoia National Park Solitude sondra sula Spirituality Trees Walking Wonder


wp243 rob w sequoia 1 20191003_121144Some things are hard to size up without comparison—especially in photographs. In most of the pictures I took in Sequoia National Park the trees didn’t look gargantuan on their own. I needed scale.

wp243 burnt log, tree 20191004_094802Otherwise the sequoias just looked like cinnamon-colored trees in a forest.

wp243 me w root ball 1 20191003_125820The immensity of the behemoths really came into focus as I sat on a small log backed by a fallen tree’s root ball.

wp243 rob w root 1 20191003_143631And again, when my husband posed on top of a downed trunk where cars parked for photo ops decades ago.

wp243 pine cone w hand 20191003_115528Even the sugar pines dropped enormous cones. Without Rob’s hand, they looked pint-sized.

wp243 rob w sequoia, field 20191003_124352Seeing one sequoia was amazing, but seeing a forest of them was almost overwhelming.

wp243 me w general sherman 20191004_094047The largest tree in the world, by bulk, is the General Sherman tree. When I saw this photo of me in front of it, I was astounded by how tiny I looked. But when I think of the capacity of God’s love for us, that tree is miniscule by comparison.

wp243 sequoia silhouette 20191004_115828We have a hard time comprehending immeasurable love because it is so vast. Being loved by one person is enthralling—so to be loved by a God who is larger than the cosmos is, well, mystifying, yet also thrilling. Why not allow yourself to imagine and feel the enormity of God’s love as you look up at the sky today?

Photos © Sondra Sula and Rob Sula (used with permission).

If you like these blogs, you’ll most likely enjoy my daily devotional book, Meditations on Mendocino by Sondra Sula. Available on Amazon in paperback or Kindle versions.

One reply on “Scale”

As we have a hard time comprehending God’s immeasurable love, so also with that same love of Jesus who paid for our sins on that cruel cross so that when we accept His gift for us He will take us to be with Him in heaven some day!!!!!

Thank you so much for your inspirational pictures!!!!

Juella Boerman


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