Being Held Change Death faith Finding God Hiking Hope inspirational Life Path Mendocino Motivational Nature Photography northern California Self-help Self-Improvement sondra sula Spirituality The Unknown Transition Walking

Holding and Releasing

wp129 2 nasturtiumOh, the view—creation at its most spectacular! Billowing masses of vivid red-orange nasturtiums in the foreground frame the sand, sea and massive jutting rocks—Elk beach in a nutshell. And when I wander down the winding trail, I meet more of the edible flowering vines tucked into the crack of a sheer cliff. I’ve always admired the tenacity of such cliff-dwelling plants.

wp129 2 seaweedsAlthough I appreciate the ability to cling and hold on, I also applaud those who can let go. The seaweed has floated to its current destination, trusting itself to the great sea. Perhaps it has traveled long and far before being washed up.

wp129 2 crab, jade leafThose who grab tightly and those who release into the flow both come to an earthly end. A succulent leaf becomes its own shed tear—a translucent droplet on rough sand. A crab waves its final goodbye. A thistle surrenders its seeds to the wind.

wp129 thistleWe are all transitioning. What comes next? Will we reseed ourselves and grow again? Will our spirits live new lives beyond our imaginings? I cling to a faith that allows me to let go—because I know I’m being held tenderly now and through eternity.

All photos © Sondra Sula.

3 replies on “Holding and Releasing”

“because I know I’m being held tenderly now and through eternity.”

Amen your gift of words ARE HUGS from God.

“with God’s grace you can do all things through Christ who strengthens you (Philippians 4:13).”

thanks. you have just confirmed this recent verse He gave me.

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Beautiful, Sondra. (Also, beautiful Sondra.)
If I had to select only one image (which I do because of time constraints), I’d choose “A succulent leaf becomes its own shed tear–a translucent droplet on rough sand.” Coupled with the photo, it’s exquisite.


Hi Sondra! Joanie shared your reflection today and as usual, it resonates with me. When to hold on and when to let go – it’s a constant back-and-forth in my own life. I do trust that I am never alone on my journey and my faith encourages me.

I am in Manhattan Beach, CA visiting sister Karen. I’m not sure where you are relocated in CA? XO, Georgia


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