Mystery Nature Spirituality Walking Wonder

Walking at Sunset

wp45 sunset blue 2015-12-01
“Throwing Up Their Hands at Nightfall” by Sondra Sula

I normally walk in the morning, if pressed, the afternoon. But I rarely walk at sunset.

The light at the end of the day has a different quality to it, usually more yellow or pink, and slanted dramatically to create long shadows opposite the sun. Tree limbs, when backlit, can take on a wild, flailing look, as if they are throwing up their hands at nightfall, unable to stop its progression.

wp45 indian creek 2015-12-01
“Creek Snake” by Sondra Sula

A small creek runs behind our house that can trickle or tumble depending on the amount of rain or snow accumulation. At dusk it changes to a shimmering snake flecked with gold and purplish scales. Because leaves have dropped to the ground and only twiggy branches remain, I see farther up towards the snake’s mouth where it gobbles up the forest.

Empty nests of birds and squirrels are obvious now, silhouetted against coral clouds. I know the birds have gone, but I imagine squirrels curled inside smooth curves of brown oak leaves, made soft by repeated naps.

God has created a system in which the winding down process for the night is tinged with beauty. We are given a painterly canvas of sky to remember our small place in the world, a lullaby, sung by nature, to gently hum us to sleep. Look, listen and enjoy the night to come.

wp45 nests in trees 2015-12-01 15.49.56
“Curling in Their Nests” by Sondra Sula


4 replies on “Walking at Sunset”

This post is a children’s book. The writing/language is perfect. Needs more photos. I love how the pictures become darker towards the end of your walk. It’s a cozy way to adress night and fears of darkness. Get it published. If you need funding, let me know.



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