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A Natural Way to De-Stress

wp227 yellow daisy, bee mimic 20190602_124517When I feel stressed and must get a lot of things done, it is counterintuitive for me to spend time outside in nature. I feel selfish and extravagant, as if I’m simply procrastinating the tasks at hand. And yet that is exactly what I need.

wp227 purple, ladybug 20190602_123007Staring eyeball to eyeball with a miniscule creature perched on a tiny flower is sure to release a few much-needed endorphins. And catching sight of a retreating red ladybug among vivid purple blooms makes critical deadlines retreat to their proper place.

wp227 2 yellow flowers w bugsIf an itsy-bitsy fly or bee mimic can traverse a wild world of wind gusts and predators, I can nimbly pick my way through corporate quagmires.

wp227 Mendo paintbrush 20190602_123406A Mendocino paintbrush reminds me of my true nature: painter of images and words. Sometimes I forget this simple truth.

wp227 bee on daisy 20190602_124318So the next time I’m out of sorts, I’ll visit with a bee. After all, her job is spending time with flowers all day long.

All photos © Sondra Sula.

If you like these blogs, you’ll most likely enjoy my daily devotional book, Meditations on Mendocino by Sondra Sula. Available on Amazon in paperback or Kindle versions.