contemplation De-stress devotion devotional faith Finding God Flaws Fort Bragg Hiking Hope inner life Insight inspirational Life Path meditation Meditations on Mendocino by Sondra Sula Mendocino Motivational Nature Nature Photography NorCal northern California Pacific ocean Perspective Point of View Prayer Problems reflection Reflections on the Fox River and Beyond by Sondra Sula Self-Acceptance Self-help Self-Improvement Solitude sondra sula Spirituality transformation Walking wisdom

The Green Path

wp420 01 Noyo sky vert 20230203 1200What is The Green Path and where does it lead? wp420 02 Noyo mown path 20230203 1200
Physically, it’s a mown trail that cuts through a field. Any field or meadow. Anywhere. wp420 03 Noyo grass 20230203 1200
Spiritually, it’s a journey of growth — choosing to grow no matter what. wp420 04 Noyo prickly 20230203 1200
If I find myself in a prickly patch — perhaps confronted with spiritual truths I’d rather avoid, or noticing a log in my own eye that I was darned sure was a spec in my neighbor’s eye — I move through it with startling realization and a newfound humbleness. wp420 05 Noyo wild radish leaves 20230203 1200
If I find myself tangled in weeds masquerading as lush greenery, I pray for discernment and listen to God for further instruction. wp420 06 Noyo parsley-like 20230203 1200
If I find myself confused — my mind pinging in every conceivable direction — I sit still and meditate. Confusion slowly falls away and patterns emerge from what I initially perceived as chaos. wp420 07 Noyo flag iris 20230203 1200
I begin to see The Light behind my path, shining through it, illuminating it so I can move forward. wp420 08 Noyo sky1 20230203 1200
And when I find my momentum, I can look up without constantly stumbling and feel God’s warm embrace.

Photos © Sondra Sula.

Take a walk with me by reading my daily devotional book, Meditations on Mendocino by Sondra Sula. Available on Amazon in paperback or Kindle versions.

If you’d prefer a daily river walk, Reflections on the Fox River and Beyond by Sondra Sula, might just be the book for you.