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Conquering Fear in the Name of Love

wp277 01 20200607 beach w 2 logsWhen I asked my husband what he’d like to do for his birthday, he said he’d like to take me to Otter Beach. He calls it that because a sea otter with a tremendously pungent aroma lives there in a cave.

wp277 02 20200607 hill at beachHe’s been trying to get me to go to this beach for years, yet describes the hike down the cliffs as treacherous and the climb up as death defying. One must wear long pants to prevent being scratched by briars or caressed by poison oak.

wp277 03 20200607 eye of needleIf that weren’t enough, once one reaches the bottom there is a knee-high creek to cross that can swell higher as the tide comes in. Oh, and did I mention the narrow hole in a rock through which one must crawl?

wp277 04 20200607 lg crab debrisAs a plump, just-turned sixty-year-old in the midst of getting used to orthotic shoe inserts, this did not seem appealing. Especially because my reward could likely be a mauling by an angry, stinky sea otter who views me as a home invader.

wp277 05 20200607 tiny crab in waterBut of course I said: I’d love to!

wp277 06 20200607 sea grass poolDid he exaggerate the hike? Nope. It was a minor miracle I reached the bottom intact. But the creek was exceedingly low, which I took as a good sign. Although not so low that we didn’t need to change into our wellingtons.

wp277 07 20200607 rock w 3 holesThe beach was beautiful and deserted, which wasn’t surprising given the circumstances.

wp277 08 2 scapula, claw, woodThere were lots of things to see before we reached the “eye of the needle.”

wp277 09 20200607 pool moatA thigh-deep pool of water sat like a moat before the opening. I realized we had to scooch along a rock ledge just to get to the hole. Rob tackled it first to show me where to place my feet. Even though “balk” is my middle name when hiking, I soon found myself inside the “eye,” whose walls were adorned with goose barnacles. As I came out the other side, I expected to see the otter cave. But what I saw was the Pacific Ocean.

wp277 11 20200607 incoming waves“We just have to climb over these stones and around this rock…”

wp277 12 20200607 seaweed waves1Those were the last words he said before I screamed: Wave!

wp277 13 20200607 live chiton in poolThe wave wasn’t huge, but it wasn’t small, either. And northern California coast water is notoriously cold, which is why Pacific wetsuits are extra thick. I scrambled to the highest point I could, but the sea water still poured into my wellingtons. Rob was even wetter.

wp277 14 20200607 crab claw in water“I’m sorry,” I said. “But I don’t think I feel confident about continuing.” That was an understatement. Rob agreed and we scuttled back through the narrow opening as swiftly as we could. Soon afterwards, water started pouring through the hole each time a wave crashed to shore. The tide was quickly rising.

wp277 15 20200607 bead seaweed w bubblesAlthough the ascent back to the car was harrowing, I survived with only a minor stab to the knee from a hidden branch.

wp277 16 20200607 pines, cloudsEven though I never saw the sea otter, I still felt triumphant, as if I had conquered fear in the name of love. Isn’t that what we all strive to do?

Photos © Sondra Sula.

Take a walk with me by reading my most recent daily devotional book, Meditations on Mendocino by Sondra Sula. Available on Amazon in paperback or Kindle versions.

If you’d prefer a daily river walk, Reflections on the Fox River and Beyond by Sondra Sula, might just be the book for you.

7 replies on “Conquering Fear in the Name of Love”

Sondra: I do appreciate your photos and comments so much; a small comment: there actually aren’t any sea otters along the Mendocino coast as far as I know, but I have seen a river otter here in MacKerricher, just coming up from the beach.


That was quite the adventure, Sondra. Glad you two are safe. Always enjoy your blogs. Thank you for sharing your words and pictures with me.

Hugs, Debbie


Brava, Sondra. Rob is lucky to have such a willing partner! BTW: 1) Where is this beach; and 2) how’d you manage to get all those great pics clambering and parrying all those perils?


a triumph indeed! such beautiful surroundings. i can see why rob’s wanted to bring u there. happy birthday to rob! i absolutely love the crab on the rocks. while amusing, i do object to ur self-deprecating description.


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