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Is a Rose Just a Rose?

wp226 rose bouquet2 20190609_111459Our Quaker meeting rents a space inside a Jewish shul and because of this, we never know what we may find when we enter the building on any given Sunday. Our Jewish friends might have left us apples to eat, or the meeting room could be decorated in artful Hebrew prayers. But often there are flowers.

wp226 rose bouquet3 20190609_111514On this particular Sunday three vases of roses bloomed atop the windowsills. Modest colored glass panes with dimpled, wavy textures created impressionistic paintings out of the lawn, parking lot and sky. Light danced across petals evoking a luminous, fiery presence.

wp226 rose bouquet1 20190609_111440I was struck by the simplicity of what I beheld: flowers, containers, windows, light. And yet I was infused with emotionā€”a perilous ecstasy brought on by a sense of overwhelming beauty. Would I fall headlong into Presence? Faint into the hand of God?

I am always on the brink of Divine Encounter. It is simply how I perceive the world. For me, a rose is not just a roseā€”it is also a conduit to the Creator.

All photos Ā© Sondra Sula.

If you like these blogs, youā€™ll most likely enjoy my daily devotional book, Meditations on Mendocino by Sondra Sula. Available on Amazon in paperback or Kindle versions.

7 replies on “Is a Rose Just a Rose?”

the beauty and surprise of knowing the the creator, does take our breathe away and gives it gives it back,

like being born again,
or “is a rose just a rose”

you are blessed by eternal Joy


I loved your comment about taking our breath away and giving it back. It evokes our beginnings, the breath of life, etc. Like being born again as you said – all the time! I always see your comments right away, even though I’m a “rare responder.”


Sondra, well, every week I love your posts. But this one, goes deep. Thank you for sharing yourself with others. You impart a great gift for those who are in your presence.

Hugs, Debbie


Sondra, what beauty and glory to our Creator.
It reminds me of John 1:2-4: He (Jesus) was with God in the beginning. Through Him all things were made; without Him nothing was made that has been made. In Him was life, and that life was the light of men.

PS I miss seeing your sister Cathy, but I know for you it is a blessing she is near you and your Mother now. I have many precious memories of her both before and after my husband, Mike, passed away.


I always appreciate your comments, Juella. I’m sorry about your husband; I didn’t know you were a widow. I’m glad Cathy was near and dear, but I’m enjoying her close presence at this time – it has been and still is a blessing.


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