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Transformation at Glass Beach

wp225 grass heads GBBefore I arrive at Glass Beach, I walk through a field of tall grass. Pink and green heads dance in the wind. I smell salt—feel the tingle of it against my cheeks.

wp225 view thru crevice GBAtop a headland cliff, I peer out to the Pacific. Three harbor seals reposition themselves on ocean mesas by wriggling. I wriggle, too—down a narrow passage. One side is wallpapered in ice plants.

wp225 ice plant in rust GBA single plant has escaped and taken root in a pool of glass and stone.

wp225 2 ochre rock, blue glass GBThe beach is strewn with rocks, tumbled glass . . .

wp225 2 long, short shots GBand seaweed. One particular stone resembles red, gray and white marble. Could it be? Did someone toss a broken marble urn into the sea years ago?

wp225 2 glass red, pale GBRed plastic smoothed by the rolling waves seems like an obvious intruder—its porcelain neighbor seems intrinsic—yet both are trash. This spot could be called Trash Beach, not Glass Beach. Yet we, collectively, are fascinated by what the waves have done to our garbage—its transformation.

wp225 2 red, green seaweed GBI see two clumps of seaweed. I am transforming them in my mind as I view them: a fringed red petticoat; a folded crepe drizzled with pureed spinach.

What else can I transform? My life, perhaps?

wp225 seaweed tree strand 20190531_083423 GBAs if on cue, I notice a threadlike bit of seaweed shaped like a young tree. I realize I have the ability to become . . . . But become what? Anything. Anything I set my mind to.

All photos © Sondra Sula.

If you like these blogs, you’ll most likely enjoy my daily devotional book, Meditations on Mendocino by Sondra Sula. Available on Amazon in paperback or Kindle versions.

3 replies on “Transformation at Glass Beach”

Sondra, I like the part of being transformed. Jesus is my transformer as I read His Word, the Bible. Thank you for bringing such marvels only God can create!!!!!


truly uplifting. i love ur transformational descriptions. red fringed petticoat; crepe drizzled with puréed spinach; wall papered in ice plants…
i miss the days we echoed each other’s writings. i miss u.


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