caterpillars contemplation devotion Discovery faith Finding God flowers Fort Bragg Headlands Hiking inner life Insight inspirational meditation Meditations on Mendocino by Sondra Sula Mendocino Motivational Nature Nature Photography northern California reflection Self-Acceptance Self-help Self-Improvement Solitude sondra sula Spirituality Walking wisdom Wonder

In and Out

wp219 snails on CA poppy 20190318_111844How do I pay attention to both my inner and outer life? When I zoom in to see what’s going on inside a California poppy (a triune snail retreat!), I don’t see the big picture.

wp219 2 vinca, caterpillarWhen I zoom out I can view the vista, but miss the delicacies of Vinca major’s pinwheel petals. As I ponder this, an undulating movement catches my eye: a chartreuse caterpillar whose single inky black “eye” stares back at me. Hmm, like the ebb and flow of the waves, I can seamlessly travel in and out.

wp219 petals on pavement 20190318_113045A plethora of petals greets me as I peer down at the trail. The inner realm can be disjointed as in dreams…

wp219 2 pussywillowsI look past two pairs of pussy willows to the Pacific. I realize I can quickly change my focus from the silky fur of the flower buds to the not-so-distant ocean. My inner self giggles with glee, while outwardly I appear pensive.

wp219 CA poppy w dew 20190318_112009The poppies invite me back “in” as I reflect on their fleeting lives—dewy fresh,

wp219 2 CA poppies silosfilled with light, open…

wp219 red ice plant, ocean 20190318_111306I’m zooming out again to the rocky shoreline. Great swathes of red ice plants cover one cliff. Resilient daffodils poke through a web of stems and leaves, their brave yellow faces alert. Wild waves churn and break.

wp219 2 grassesGrassy weeds slither and shake. Does the growth within me work its way to the surface becoming the outer me? Am I prickly or soft? Curious or indifferent?

wp219 CA poppy w budBack to the poppy. Its petals are open but its stamens curled in self-embrace. Open. Closed. Inner. Outer. I contain all opposites. We all do. It is part of our divine nature, the image given to us by God.

All photos © Sondra Sula.

My most recent daily devotional book, Meditations on Mendocino by Sondra Sula, is available on Amazon in paperback or Kindle versions. It is also sold at the Gallery Bookshop in Mendocino.

3 replies on “In and Out”

Thanks, Sondra. Every Friday morning another little treat and thoughtful reflection for us. You open me to a greater appreciation of all that surrounds us.


Always wonderful, dear Sondra. And I just ordered a copy of your new book (Kindle edition). Many hugs,



sondra, u amaze me with each entry i read. the ‘in and out’ of it ALL is portrayed with such beautiful precision. the flowers, the landscape, the insects, the ways–each of us–all have inner and outer selves. i love that u ‘giggled with glee’ internally. and plethora is one of my favorite words. u never cease to touch me with your writing and your mesmerizing accompanying photography.

~ joanie


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