Art Finding God Headlands Hiking Life Path Motivational northern California Self-Improvement Spirituality Unity Walking

The Art of the Walk

wp78 4 chair Noyo 2016-06-27There are many spectacular vistas to behold when walking along the frilled edges of Noyo Headlands Park. Waves crash against craggy rocks jutting from the ocean like jagged teeth, creating explosive sprays of frothy white. Harbor seals wriggle onto flat swaths of rock to sun themselves next to barking sea lions. Motionless cormorants join them to dry their wings after diving so they can once again take flight.

wp78 benches NoyoArt is also abundant, not only in the intricately designed flora and fauna, but in the artisan chairs and mosaic-inspired benches. A marriage of creativity abounds, making clear that we are co-creators with The Divine. And as I welcome the invitation to sit and contemplate the vast glory before me, I am also drawn to what is right beside me.

wp78 sea, flyI am seated on a massive driftwood bench, and just when I notice a flower proudly standing alone at the edge of a cliff, I hear a buzzing to my left and am delighted to observe the striped body and veined wings of a hoverfly.

wp78 meadow Noyo 2016-06-27Right after I catch sight of a field of wild radish flowers, I look down momentarily to discover the white saucer eyes of twin morning glories staring at me, a moth blocking their vision. A third flower is tightly twisted, its rose-colored bud waiting until tomorrow to unfurl.

wp78 morning glories w moth NoyoAs an artist, I like to think my most inspired work comes from God. When I allow myself to see the unity between handcrafted art and the natural world, I see design and composition everywhere I go.

All photos © Sondra Sula.

One reply on “The Art of the Walk”

How do you pulled your self away from your walks with the Creator and go back to rest of your day.

Oh that’s right!!!! you come back and then share it with us,
thank you and God for walking so closely and sharing such special a relationship

all our love and thanks


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