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The Diverse Landscape of Spiritual Practice

wp75 squirrels McKAs I came across several different landscapes during my walk, I realized how appropriately they illustrated various forms of my spiritual practice.

In a field at the beginning of my walk, a squirrel eagerly greeted me, wanting to be fed. It even put its paw on my leg in a pleading gesture. When it realized I had no food, it reluctantly began foraging in the grass, discovering food aplenty. I was reminded how I can “pull on God’s pant leg” like a child, begging for spiritual sustenance when I have a host of reading material at my fingertips—from sacred scriptures to mystic-minded magazines. A few words can quickly get me back on track and centered.

wp75 wild radishNext, I came to a meadow filled with flowers including the cheerful, multicolored wild radish. The confetti-like colors and open stance brought to mind wordless, exuberant worship when joy fills my body and seeps out in unfettered praise.

wp75 seaweed pods in sand 2016-06-08Soon I found myself on the beach examining a group of seaweed pods punctuated by a frilly exclamation point. I’m a person who yearns to gather with others in a structured community at a set time each week—it adds a touch of excitement to my spiritual life as one can never predict what may happen when expectant people join forces.

wp75 rocksAs I approached the shore, sand gave way to stones that offered up intriguing finds from kelp roots to driftwood to crab legs. When I delve deeply into meditation or dialogue prayer, unexpected gems rise to the surface for examination, which often lead to growth.

The final landscape contained a hulking rock, pushing itself up through the ocean’s edge with muscled folds, contrasting veins. This boulder felt like the firm rock of faith on which I stand, moment to eternal moment, waiting for the waves of grace to wash over me.

wp75 rock w purple stone 2016-06-08All photos © Sondra Sula.

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